The Indonesian foreign exchange reserves fell US$3.6 billion in a month to US$105.18 billion by the end of February, ...
Member of the House Commission XI Kamaruddin Sjam questioned President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono`s plan to change the ...
The rupiah value stayed flat at the level of 9,690 to the US dollar on Thursday morning in inter-bank transactions. ...
- CoreNet Global, the world's leading association for corporate real estate (CRE) and workplace ...
Deputy Minister for Trade Affairs Bayu Krisnamurthi said Indonesia expected its non-oil and non-gas exports would ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah weakened against the US dollar losing 24 points in today`s closing on market players` ...
- Shell today released new scenarios that explore two possible ways the 21st century could ...
Rupiah weakened losing five points against the US dollar on Tuesday on European economy continuing being in the ...
Bank Indonesia said Indonesia`s current account deficit could help weaken the country`s currency rupiah. ...
- After a record breaking event in Cartagena, which saw over 400 delegates in attendance ...
The rupiah weakening five points against US dollar on Tuesday morning. Rupiah traded at Rp9.615 per US dollar, ...
The Indonesian currency, rupiah, gained slightly against the US dollar on Monday shored up by yen appreciation. ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah was stable at 9,650 against the US dollar in inter-0bank transaction Friday morning. ...
Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves by January 31, 2013 reached 108.78 billion U.S. dollars whereas In December 28, ...
The Indonesian currency rupiah gained against the US dollar closing 5 points stronger on Thursday on positive data ...