
Collection of debate news, found 783 news.

RI students dominate Asian English-language olympics

Indonesian highschool and university students dominated an Asian English Olympics (AEO) organized by Bina Nusantara ...

Labor disputes must be settled thoroughly: President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked for a thorough settlement of the workers` demand for pay rise without any ...

Buddhist Leader Calls for 2015 Nuclear Abolition Summit in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

-     In his 30th annual peace proposal, released on January 26, Daisaku Ikeda, president of the ...

`Act of war` if Iran closes strait of Hormuz: Romney

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney said Monday he would consider it an "act of war" if Iran was to shut down ...

Turkey slams French senate`s pass of armenian "genocide" bill

Turkey on Monday dismissed as unjust and disrespectful the French Senate`s adoption of a bill criminalizing those who ...

Turkey condemns U.S. candidate Perry`s criticism

Turkey condemned as "unfounded and inappropriate" on Tuesday comments by U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Rick ...

Obama swaps Hawaii for reelection heat

US President Barack Obama lands in Washington Tuesday after his Hawaiian vacation, facing a buzz saw of Republican ...

Iraq crisis stirs protests in Sunni strongholds

Several thousand Iraqis in Sunni Muslim strongholds protested on Friday against Shi`ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, ...

Fatah, Hamas leaders debate PLO reform in Cairo

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal were meeting Thursday to discuss reforming the ...

Ex-opposition leader Marzouki elected Tunisia`s President

Tunisia`s veteran opposition leader Moncef Marzouki was elected president Monday, a month and a half after the north ...

Rights development must be balanced with welfare improvement

Vice President Boediono said respect or enforcement of human rights must go hand in hand with improvement of the ...

Walhi disappointed by advanced countries` suspension of emission reduction

The Indonesia Environment Forum (Walhi) expressed disappointment here on Wednesday over the developed countries for ...

China urges end to Myanmar sanctions

China called Thursday for international sanctions against key ally Myanmar to be lifted, as US Secretary of State ...

Gbagbo`s party to boycott Ivory Coast vote: interim leader

The party of ousted Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo plans to boycott next month`s legislative election, its ...

RI to host int`l ozone confab

Indonesia will host the 9th Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer ...