
Collection of debris news, found 576 news.

News Feature

First dive to bottom of PH trench

When Filipino oceanographer Deo Florence Onda and American explorer Victor Vescovo descended into the Emden Deep in the ...

Government encourages waste management through medium of film

The government has encouraged citizens to manage their waste in order to address the issue of ocean waste through a ...


Rimbun Air plane crashed in Papua

Rimbun Airplane was crashed in six kilometers near Bilogai airport, Homeyo sub-district, Intan Jaya district, Papua ...

Batan's nuclear solution to plastic pollution

210 dating, she informed. The method can help determine how long the plastic or microplastic has been deposited in ...

PUPR Ministry completes final stages of construction of Palopo Bridge

The Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the final ...

Minister emphasizes Indonesia's commitment to handling plastic waste

Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar has stressed that Indonesia is working hard to ...

News Feature

Plastic waste thrives amid coffee shops' euphoria

For some people, drinking coffee occupies an important part of the day and with their numbers increasing, the growing ...

412 residents flee homes following floods in Aceh

At least 412 people fled their homes after heavy rains triggered floods and landslides in three sub-districts of Aceh ...

Natural disaster mitigation amidst the global pandemic

The universe is not being very friendly as of late. Learning from the various natural disasters happening all across ...

Indonesian soldiers share bags of rice with native Papuans

Seven Indonesian soldiers donated bags of rice to native Papuans in Baidub Village, Ulilin Sub-district, Merauke ...

Four social institutions launch pilots to tackle marine debris

Four social institutions have simultaneously launched pilot programs in Indonesia to address the problem of growing ...

Ocean noise, debris main threats to marine mammals: ministry

Ocean noise and marine debris are two factors that are threatening the survival of marine mammals in Indonesian waters, ...


Driving a green and sustained economic recovery in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated health, economic, and social systems globally and in Indonesia, creating the worst ...

Five giant leatherback turtles lay eggs on Raja Ampat's Yenbekaki

- lay their eggs in several of the country's coastal areas. The WWF Indonesia further noted that the Indonesian ...

ASEAN adopts action plan to curb plastic pollution

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on Friday unveiled a regional action plan (RAP) for combating marine ...