#defense and security

Collection of defense and security news, found 276 news.

Several German companies interested to invest in automotive component industry

Several German companies have expressed interest to invest in automotive component manufacturing industry using ...

President chairs limited cabinet meeting on satellite technology

President Joko Widodo on Friday morning chaired a limited cabinet meeting on the use of mobile satellites for national ...

Indonesia, Mongolia to strengthen ties in various sectors

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Vice Minister A.M. Fachir and Mongolian State Secretary/Acting Foreign Affairs Vice ...

President Widodo to meet Obama during United States visit

President Joko Widodo will visit the United States on October 25-28 following an invitation from the country's ...

26 defense attaches visit weapons manufacturer in Bandung

As many as 26 defense attaches from friendly countries visited state-owned weapons manufacturer PT Pindad and national ...

Indonesia aims for world-class military technology

Aiming for world-class military technology, the Republic of Indonesia is committed to advancing the countrys defense ...

Thales Inaugurates Innovation Hub In Singapore

- Thales, a global technology leader in the Aerospace, Transportation and Defence & Security, today officially ...

HMS Daring arrives in Jakarta

The Royal Navy War Ship, Her Majesty Ship (HMS) Daring, has arrived in Jakarta International Container Terminal II to ...

Jakarta flood problem cannot be resolved overnight

The floods, which repeatedly strike Jakarta and its neighboring areas with sickening regularity almost every year, is ...

Police deny conducting execution of terror suspects

With regard to the terror suspects killed during a recent raid in Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, the police denied ...

RI, Australia not to go to war over spying: Official

The wiretapping of Indonesian officials by Australia will not lead to war, according to retired Indonesian Navy Chief ...

President Yudhoyono arrives in Poland

President Susilo Yudhoyono and entourage arrived at Warsaw's Chopin International Airport in Poland at 3 pm local time ...

President Yudhoyono meets Kazakh PM and business committee

Visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono met with Kazakh Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov and Kazakh ...

President Yudhoyono to discuss economic cooperation in Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that his current tour of three countries of Kazakhstan, Poland and Russia ...

Indonesian Research Ministry takes aerospace as theme for Technology Awakening Day

The Ministry of Research and Technology has taken aerospace as the theme for the commemoration of the 18th National ...