
Collection of deforestation news, found 629 news.

Botanical gardens helping overcome biodiversity loss: BRIN

Botanical gardens are playing an essential role in helping Indonesia overcome biodiversity loss, acting deputy for ...

Climate change, hydrological disasters pose ecological threats

World Environment Day on June 5th was themed "One Earth for the Future" while serving as an idea to ...

2022 World Environment Day moment to increase awareness: minister

Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya said the 2022 World Environment Day commemoration must become a ...

Some 60 percent of Jambi's forest area damaged: Walhi

The Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) estimated that 1.26 million hectares, or about 60 percent of the total ...

Indonesia bolstering climate change policy through concrete action

The Indonesian Government has continued to take concrete action to strengthen climate change control policies and their ...

Ministry's efforts bolstered to achieve FoLU Net Sink 2030 target

The Environment and Forestry Ministry will expedite measures to achieve Indonesia's target for the forestry and ...

Two Sumatran tigers found dead in wire trap: East Aceh police

The East Aceh police confirmed on Sunday that two Sumatran tigers (Pantera Tigris Sumatrae) were found dead in a wire ...

Manage mangroves well to prevent their becoming emission source: BRGM

Indonesia has large carbon reserves in mangrove areas, which must be managed well to prevent them from becoming sources ...

Digital transformation supports sustainable forest management

Digital transformation supports more efficient and effective sustainable forest management to facilitate integrated and ...

Central Sulawesi's forests damaged by illegal logging, mining: ranger

Illegal logging, mining, and encroachment have caused damage to Central Sulawesi's forests, according to Acting ...

News Focus

Sustainable forests for combating climate change

Indonesia is ready to embark on a new chapter of life, as the Nusantara Capital City begins its development with the ...

FAO calls for sustainable forest management

The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in commemorating the International Day of Forests, ...

B20 task force provides policy recommendations on energy transition

The B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, led by state-owned oil giant PT Pertamina (Persero), has ...

Forestry sector to contribute to 60-pct reduction in carbon emissions

The government, through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, targets the forestry sector and other land uses to ...

Mary Kay Inc. in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation commits to reforestation in China with 8,000 trees in 2022

Trees are essential to our existence and do so much to enhance our world. They clean our water, air, and improve our ...