#democrat party

Collection of democrat party news, found 649 news.

Yudhoyono dismisses rumor democrat party to suspend its chief

Democrat Party chief patron Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Sunday described as "unfounded" a rumor that the party would ...

Rrumor on Anas deactivation not true: SBY

The Democrat Party (PD) chief patron Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono confirmed here Sunday that rumor saying about ...

KPK expects more suspects in athlete village scandal

The disclosure on Friday that Democrat Party (PD) cadre Angelina Sondakh is named a suspect is expected to serve as an ...

Angie named suspect in corruption case

Angelina Sondakh, a politician from the ruling Democrat Party has been named one of the new suspects in the case of ...

Democrat Party not planning extraordinary congress : Official

A senior Democrat Party official has denied that the ruling party plans to hold an extraordinary congress to remove ...

Aburizal reports Ramadhan Pohan to police

Golkar Party leader Aburizal Bakrie has reported Democrat Party (PD) politician Ramadhan Pohan to the police for ...

Democrats to hold special congress if Anas implicated

The ruling Democrat Party is to hold an extraordinary congress (KLB) if the party`s chief, Anas Urbaningrum, proves ...

Democrat party chief feels vilified by public opinion

Ruling Democrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum said he felt he was being constantly vilified and cornered by public ...

RI govt looks set to cut subsidized fuel consumption despite protests

The government looks set to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils and implement an oil-to-gas conversion program ...

New Thai minister on U.S. blacklist for Mugabe links - (d)

Thailand`s premier on Thursday defended her appointment of a cabinet minister who is on a US blacklist owing to ...

Nazaruddin skips trial session because of illness

Muhammad Nazaruddin, a suspect in the Palembang` athletes dormitory project bribery case, failed to attend his court ...

Legislator accuses fellow commission III members of discriminative behavior

A member of the House of Representatives` Commission III has accused some Commission members of being discriminatory ...

Democrat party calls on coalition members to be consistent

The ruling Democrat Party has urged other parties in the government coalition to remain consistent in their support ...

Nazaruddin unwell, his trial session adjourned

A Jakarta Corruption Court session scheduled to hear witnesses in former Democrat Party politician M Nazaruddin`s case ...

Sukarwo reticent about possibly replacing Anas

Soekarwo, the leader of the Democrat Party`s East Java chapter, was on Tuesday reticent when asked by reporters about ...