#democrat party

Collection of democrat party news, found 649 news.

KPK chief denies ever meeting Nazaruddin

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chief Busyro Muqoddas denied that he had met with former Democrat Party ...

Thailand's new foreign minister to visit ASEAN countries

Thailand's new Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul will make a round of introductory visits to other members of ...

Democrat Party to dispatch more Idul Fitri travelers

The ruling Democrat Party (PD) said it was planning to dispatch Idul Fitri travelers in a larger number to Central ...

Police set up team to hunt Nazaruddin`s wife

Police have set up a team to hunt graft suspect Nazaruddin`s wife, Neneng Sri Wahyuni, who is also wanted for ...

Ethics committee questions legislator over Nazaruddin-KPK officials meeting

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)`s Ethics Committee on Monday questioned Saan Mustopha, a member of the ...

Kalla hopes law enforcers to also address other corruption cases

Former Vice President M Jusuf Kalla has expressed hope that the law enforcing agencies will also pay attention to ...

Nazaruddin`s case not to affect Democrat Party badly

Democrat Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum said he was optimistic Nazaruddin`s case as well as other cases would not ...

No KPK plan yet to move Nazaruddin` to another jail

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) still has no plan to move graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin from his ...

Police working optimally in hunting wanted suspects

National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo said the police were working optimally in hunting all wanted suspects who ...

Nazaruddin won`t "speak up"

The public cannot expect too much in terms of disclosure of other corruption cases if graft suspect Nazaruddin ...

Apply reverse burden of proof principle in corruption probes : Laode

Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Vice Chairman Laode Ida has called for the application of the reverse burden ...

Nazaruddin has right to remain silent or speak up: House speaker

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Marzuki Alie said former treasurer of Democrat Party Nazaruddin, a ...

Police deny Nazaruddin under pressure

Muhammad Nazaruddin is not under any pressure while being detained at the Police`s Mobile Brigade jail at Kelapa Dua, ...

Nazaruddin`s lawyer acknowledges KKP`s professionalism during questioning

Nazaruddin`s lawyer OC Kaligis said the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had acted professionally when ...

Public believes Nazaruddin not sole actor in corruption

A legislator from the House of Representatives` (DPR) Law Commission III, Bambang Soesatyo, said the public believes ...