#deputy speaker

Collection of deputy speaker news, found 701 news.

Indonesia Interior Minister halts implementation of e-ID card project

Since the beginning, the implementation of electronic-Identification (ID) card project has faced many problems such as ...

Legislator regrets e-ID project halt

Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Fadli Zon has expressed regret over the governments decision to halt the ...

North Sulawesi can become gateway to Asia-Pacific trade

North Sulawesi has the potential to serve as the gateway to the Asia-Pacific economy due to its strategic geographical ...

Indonesian parliament hands over nomenclature recommendations to president

The leadership of the House of Representatives (DPR) formally handed over the recommendations requested by President ...

Jokowi Inaugurated As Indonesia`s Seventh President

Joko Widodo, also called Jokowi, 53, was inaugurated as Indonesias seventh president and M. Jusuf Kalla as vice ...

Presidential inauguration reflects Indonesia`s image

October 20, 2014 is the day that has been waiting for by millions of Indonesians to witness the inauguration of its ...

Presidential inauguration cost IDR 1 billion

- The upcoming presidential inauguration ceremony cost is expected to be IDR 1 billion, the Speaker of the Peoples ...

Parliament to determine number of house commissions

House leaders will hold consultative meeting on Monday on proposal to increase the number of House Commissions and ...

New MPR Speaker Vows To Prioritize National Interests Above All

After a lengthy and exhaustive deliberation, 678 members of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR), one of Indonesias ...

DPD proposes Oesman Sapta`s name for MPR`s leadership

The Regional Representatives Council (DPD) has proposed the name of Oesman Sapta for the leadership of the People ...

Lemhannas suggests gubernatorial indirect election

The Indonesia National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) has suggested that only governors should be elected by ...

House endorses revised 2014 state budget

The House of Representatives (DPR) has decided to enact into law the Draft Law on the Revised 2014 State Budget and ...

Former law minister to be Nazaruddin`s legal adviser

The former law minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra has expressed interest to become the legal adviser to the former ruling ...

Century bank case again creates debate

The Century Bank case has again created debate in Indonesia after a team of lawmakers, charged with monitoring the ...

Indonesia hopes to be part of WTO parliamentary steering committee

The Indonesian parliament is hoping to become a member of the steering committee of the Parliamentary Conference on ...