
Collection of detained news, found 1.497 news.

Satellite detects 337 hotspots in Riau

The Terra and Aqua satellite detected 337 hotspots of forest and plantation fires in Riau Province on Monday ...

Haze disrupts 24 flights in Pekanbaru

At least 24 flights were delayed for hours at Bakanbarus Sultan Syarif Kasim II (SSK II) Airport due to thick haze ...

Satellite detects 1,046 hotspots from forest fires in Sumatra

The Terra and Aqua satellite has detected 1,046 hotspots from forest, plantation and peatland fires across Sumatra ...

Strict law enforcement ordered against forest fire perpetrators

As haze shrouded Sumatras cities over the past two months, President Yudhoyono has ordered strict law enforcement to ...

US offers training for forest rangers in Indonesia

The United States plans to offer training for forest rangers in Indonesia to enable them to tackle incidents such as ...

Beijing security head detained in China graft probe

China has detained the head of Beijings state security bureau as part of a wider investigation into powerful ...

Indonesian consulate in Houston provides lawyer for arrested ship crew

Indonesian Consulate in Houston, U.S. has provided a lawyer for an Indonesian ship crew, Balis Chief of Agency for ...

Former chief justice Akil Mochtar to hear charges at court

Former constitutional court chief justice Akil Mochtar will hear charges during the first day of his trial scheduled ...

Seamen association urges govt to stop placing seamen on taiwanese ships - (d)

The Association of Indonesian Seamen (KPI) has urged the government to temporarily halt the employment of sailors on ...

Former BI deputy governor to stand trial early March

The former Bank Indonesia (BI) deputy governor Budi Mulya is scheduled to stand trial in early March, on charges of ...

KPK questions Anas again as suspect in bribery case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reinterrogated former ruling party general chairman Anas Urbaningrum here ...

KPK confiscates documents from Tangerang Selatan mayor`s residence

The investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated eight bundles of documents from the ...

KPK raids Tangeran Selatan Mayor Airin`s house

The investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) raided the house of Tangerang Selatans mayor, Airin ...

Malaysian court releases two Indonesian workers from death sentence

The judge at Putrajaya Higher Court, Malaysia, has released two Indonesian workers from death penalty in the case of ...

BI governor denies meeting with Anas

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Agus Martowardojo denied a statement by former Democratic Party treasurer and graft ...