#development of infrastructure

Collection of development of infrastructure news, found 414 news.

Govt to raise budget allocations for Papua

The government will raise the amount of general allocation funds for mountainous districts in Indonesia`s eastern-most ...

North Kalimantan province expected to be established in 2013

Indonesia, the world`s fourth most populous country, will soon have its 34th province as the House of Representatives ...

Southwest Maluku Needs Better Transportation Service

Bereft of most methods of transportation and communication, the Southwest Maluku (MBD) district in the province of ...

Car down payment regulation will affect potential investment

The Association of Indonesian Auto Industries (Gaikindo) has urged the government to not issue a regulation that is ...

Three centuries on, Jakarta still unable to prevent flooding

Floods have become synonymous with the living experience of people residing in Jakarta. For hundreds of years, dealing ...

Government to speed up development of infrastructure

The government will speed up development of infrastructure for two special economic zones of Sei Mangke in North ...

Govt to step up infrastructure development in 2013

The development of infrastructure projects, particularly those included in the Indonesian Economic Development ...

Transportation firm operates 26 ships to serve Merak-Bakauheni ports

Inland Waterway Transportation Service PT ASDP said it was operating 26 ferry ships to overcome traffic jams at the ...

ASEAN connectivity, Myanmar issue highlighted in World Economic Forum

The development of infrastructure among ASEAN nations to support the organizations target for economic integration in ...

Capital spending projected to reach 25% in mid-2012 - (d)

The government expects capital spending in the first half of this year to reach 25 percent of the target of Rp168.7 ...

Sail Morotai organisers solve electricity problem

The organisers of Sail Morotai have ensured that the supply of electricity to the island of Morotai in North Maluku ...

Sail Tomini 2014 expected to boost investments

International maritime event Sail Tomini 2014, to be held in Ampana, Tojo Una-Una District, Central Sulawesi Province, ...

Trade minister calls for closer IMT-GT cooperation

Indonesian Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan has called for closer sub-regional cooperation between Indonesia, Malaysia, ...

Iakarta KADIN encourages establishment of infrastructure banks

The Jakarta Chamber of Trade and Industry (KADIN) needs the support of an infrastructure bank as an alternative to ...

Period until 2014 crucial for Indonesia's infrastructure

The next three years until 2014 will be crucial for Indonesia`s infrastructure development, but the government still ...