#development of infrastructure

Collection of development of infrastructure news, found 414 news.

Austria to help develop Indonesia`s mass transport system

Indonesia and Austria will set up a Joint Working Group for the Development of Infrastructure and Transportation to ...

Sail Raja Ampat expected to boost Indonesian marine tourism

Indonesias international marine event Sail Raja Ampat, to be officially kicked off by President Susilo Bambang ...

Hundred Indonesian students to study in Russia

At least 100 students from East Kalimantan, Indonesia will study in Russia to tighten bilateral cooperation in ...

RI needs to reinforce economic resilience in border areas

As a window and gate for outsiders, border areas reflect a countrys socio-economic, cultural and political resilience ...

Indonesian govt needs to use fuel subsidies for infrastructure

Subsidies will be more beneficial if they are used for developing infrastructure to create benefits for the public, ...

Fajar to build a Rp7 trillion cement factory

Media company Fajar Group said it will build a Rp7 trillion cement factory in the regency of Barru, South Sulawesi. ...

Indonesian economic fundamentals need extra energy

Indonesian economic fundamentals need "extra energy" to be able to go through the global economic volatility in 2014, ...

Overseas remittances from Indonesian workers reach Rp100 trillion

Indonesia earns about Rp100 trillion in foreign exchange every year from Indonesian workers in various countries ...

Govt to continue financing Rp90 trillion refinery

The government will continue to finance the construction of an oil refinery with an estimated capacity of 300 thousand ...

Realization of MP3EI projects meets government`s expectation

In May 2011, the Indonesian government launched an ambitious program, called the Master Plan for Acceleration and ...

Indonesia eager to become regional power through APEC

What benefit can Indonesia reap in hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Nusa Dua, Bali, after ...

Cheap car policy discourages national automotive industry: Jokowi

 Jakarta`s Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has criticised the government`s new policy, which supports the mass ...

Overcrowded Ambon City Needs Relocation

The Maluku provincial city of Ambon has been given the label - the city with the least number of open spaces for its ...

Elections may hamper Indonesia`s investment sector

The 2014 general elections may hamper the investment sector in Indonesia, economist and secretary of the National ...

Fuel price hike still in administrative process

The previous discourse which had it that the government would have raised subsidized fuel oil price last May did not ...