
Collection of diabetes news, found 440 news.

Finance Minister stresses importance of quality budget spending

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has stressed the importance of quality state budget spending to provide optimal ...

BPJS Kesehatan readies Rp9 trillion for disease screening

The National Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) has allocated an additional Rp9 trillion in funds ...

How Indonesia addressing stunting on several fronts

Even as it marks the 63rd National Nutrition Day this year, Indonesia is still struggling with childhood ...

Govt using COVID strategy to tackle non-communicable diseases

The Indonesian Health Ministry is applying its COVID-19 control strategy to prevent cases of non-communicable diseases ...

HGN a reminder to improve monitoring of children's food: IDAI

The 2023 National Nutrition Day (HGN), which will be commemorated on January 25, must serve as a reminder for all ...

Junk food hindering efforts to improve children's nutrition: IDAI

The consumption of junk food or food that is high in calories, fat, and sugar is posing a hurdle to families in ...

Cultivating Germas to improve people's life quality

"Preventing a disease is better than treating it" are not just words of wisdom but rather something that ...

HighTide Therapeutics Raises $107 Million in Series C/C+ Financing to Advance Innovative Pipeline and Business Collaborations

HighTide Therapeutics Inc. ("HighTide"), a globally integrated clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing ...

News Focus

Assisting families to prevent childhood stunting

The program to accelerate stunting reduction in Indonesia has helped raise awareness that stunting handling should not ...

Documentary on Korean SaaS Startups Taps into Global Market, ‘Silver Lining’ Releases on YouTube

Silver Lining, a documentary illustrating Korean SaaS startups’ overseas entry and growth, is released on ...

Indonesian mothers' health remains matter of concern: BKKBN

In Indonesia, mothers' health conditions were still a matter of concern, and everyone should be aware of it, ...

Being unvaccinated poses higher risk of COVID hospitalization: Govt

The Health Office of Jakarta cautioned that residents, who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, are at higher ...

Stunting remains state's concern despite declining prevalence: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has said that even though national stunting prevalence has ...

Ministry asks people to help prevent hypertension through Germas

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture has urged the public to prevent hypertension by ...

Check older adults' health before second booster vaccination: govt

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 handling, Reisa Broto Asmoro, has asked families to ensure that older adults are ...