
Collection of diplomacy news, found 1.421 news.

Twitter chief representative shares advice on digital diplomacy

Twitter's Chief Representative and Public Policy Head Agung Yudha seized the opportunity presented by the Regional ...

News Focus

Indonesia strives to bolster practice of digital diplomacy

Social media has, in some form or the other, transformed the way in which the world communicates, including in terms of ...

Foreign minister opens regional conference on digital diplomacy

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi opened the Regional Conference on Digital Diplomacy (RCDD) to be held ...

Minister encourages digital diplomacy usage to spread peace message

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi endorsed the use of digital diplomacy to spread the message of peace while ...

News Focus

Extra care for Papua brethren crucial to maintaining Indonesia's unity

Mimika Chapter Ros Namsa Kabes. Kabes believes that the civil servant recruitment policies remain conducive for ...

Indonesia organizes int'l seminar on strengthening economic diplomacy

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry held an international seminar on a strategy to deepen Indonesia's economic ...

Indonesia opens "oil and gas corner" at embassy in Kuwait

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, inaugurated the first "oil and gas corner" at the ...

Indonesia, Africa to be huge power if united: President Jokowi

President Joko WIdodo (Jokowi) has said that Indonesia and Africa could become a huge power if they are united through ...

News Focus

Peace diplomacy a priority in Kashmir issue

Nearly four million Kashmiris have been under lockdown with movement restrictions and a near communications blackout ...

News Focus

Indonesia needs Pancasila and fair economic prosperity

President Joko Widodo intentionally highlighted the importance of upholding Pancasila as Indonesia's sole state ...

Annual Speech

Jokowi applauds House's leadership at global forum

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), in his annual speech at the legislative complex, Friday morning, was all praises for ...

Annual Speech

Burdensome laws must be amended: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that overlapped laws would need to be harmonized to avoid burdensome for the ...

Kashmir issue should be resolved through India-Pakistan dialogue: RI

Indonesia believes that dialogue and communication between Pakistan and India would be more desirable to resolve the ...

Indonesia calls on conflicting parties to placate tensions in Kashmir

The Government of Indonesia is optimistic that conflicting parties would placate tensions, engage in negotiations, and ...

Indonesian Embassy holds Bamboo Workshop in Panama

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in Panama City held an Indonesian Bamboo Workshop from July 23-27, 2019 ...