Syria and the Arab League have agreed on a roadmap to end the violence and a formal announcement is due to be made on ...
Haiti plans to build a new military force to replace the UN mission in Haiti, even though no date has been set yet for ...
At the initiative of Indonesia and Switzerland the 10th Conference of Parties (COP-10) broke a 16-year deadlock over ...
NATO plans to end its seven-month air and sea mission in Libya on October 31 but will issue a formal decision next ...
The international Red Cross on Wednesday (Oct. 19) appointed a top Swiss foreign service official Peter Maurer as its ...
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday urged Egypt as well as the diplomatic Quartet to pressure the ...
The Indonesian government has expressed its support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas`s intention to secure ...
NATO allies on Wednesday agreed to extend their air campaign in Libya by another 90 days, diplomats said, as forces ...
Former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani and head of the council tasked with trying to negotiate a political end to ...
The United Nations said on Monday it had chosen British diplomat and human rights activist Ian Martin to head its new ...
Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad held talks Sunday with Israel`s Defense Minister Ehud Barak as the two sides ...
Top nuclear envoys from North and South Korea will hold bilateral talks on Wednesday in Beijing, aimed at discouraging ...
2011 is a crucial year for Palestine to get international recognition including from the UN as an independent state ...
Duta Besar Libya untuk Brazil Salem Al Zubaidi pada Jumat mengumumkan "dukungan dan loyalitas" kepada Dewan Transisi ...
The United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations on Tuesday attacked Israel`s move to expand a ...