
Collection of disease news, found 4.239 news.

Ministry prohibits dissection of livestock infected with anthrax

The Ministry of Agriculture has prohibited people from dissecting the corpses of livestock infected with the Bacillus ...

Ministry relying on vaccination, surveillance to control anthrax

The Ministry of Agriculture has implemented several policies ranging from vaccination to surveillance of livestock as ...

Use of superior seeds can improve oil palm productivity: BRIN

The use of superior seeds can help improve the productivity of oil palms in Indonesia, which is not yet optimal, ...

MPR seeks bolstering of early detection to anticipate rise in diseases

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has sought the strengthening ...

Indonesian govt raises awareness on potential anthrax spore spread

Indonesia's Health Ministry is raising awareness at all health service facilities in Yogyakarta regarding the ...

Health Ministry reveals cause of deaths related to anthrax

The Indonesian Ministry of Health revealed on Thursday the cause of the anthrax cases that claimed three lives in ...

RCCE among key pillars of COVID-19 response: ministry

Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) has been one of the main pillars of COVID-19 pandemic handling and ...

Ministry uses cross-sectoral work to handle anthrax in Gunungkidul

The Ministry of Health is using cross-sectoral work to handle anthrax disease cases found in Gunungkidul District, ...

Omicron EU.1.1 not classified as threatening variant: Ministry

The World Health Organization (WHO) has not classified the Omicron EU.1.1 sub-variant as a threatening coronavirus that ...

Health Bill contains mechanism for handling outbreaks: Ministry

The Health Bill provides a more comprehensive mechanism for handling outbreaks based on experiences during the COVID-19 ...

Ministry: 5 mln COVID vaccines in stock, enough until end of 2023

Indonesia still has five million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, which are sufficient to meet demand until the end of ...

BKKBN holds mass circumcision, blood donation drive to mark Harganas

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) organized a mass circumcision and blood donation drive in ...

BGSi focuses on preventive service to improve life quality: Ministry

The Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative (BGSi) focuses on preventive health services to improve the quality of ...

Bali expedites rabies vaccination, ensures vaccine stock availability

Governor of Bali Wayan Koster stated that the provincial government is currently accelerating the process of ...

MPR seeks prompt achievement of children's basic immunization target

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has called for efforts to ...