
Collection of disparity news, found 197 news.

Central Sulawesi readies food area for IKN Nusantara's food supply

The Central Sulawesi provincial government has readied a 30 thousand-hectare Nusantara food area in the sub-districts ...

Price disparity triggers subsidized diesel fuel scarcity: Minister

The wide price disparity between subsidized and non-subsidized diesel fuels triggered the scarcity in subsidized diesel ...

Lawmaker calls for sanctions on industry actors using subsidized fuel

The government and relevant authorities must be firm in imposing sanctions against industry actors who continue to use ...

Villages should utilize technology to expedite development: gov't

Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar urged village ...

Government to subsidize bulk cooking oil at Rp14,000/liter: minister

Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi announced on Thursday that the government will subsidize bulk cooking oil at a price of ...

Revision to Energy Law must prioritize environmental conservation: DPD

Revision to Law No. 30 of 2007 on energy should prioritize environmental conservation and ensure harmonious ...

Ministry striving to improve local soybean product standardization

The Ministry of Agriculture is currently making efforts to improve the quality standard of local soybeans to reach the ...

Gov't calls to promptly address disparity in infrastructure provision

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance Febrio Kacaribu pressed for immediately addressing the ...

News Feature

Let's go count waterbirds around us

- fell into the vulnerable category. Disparity in data still exists among observation sites across Indonesia, as ...

Indonesia must improve healthcare quality, access in regions

The Indonesian Government needs to improve the quality of health services in several regions and reduce inequality in ...

Govt should act firmly against minimum wage violators: House speaker

House of Representatives (DPR RI) speaker Puan Maharani has called on the government to strictly monitor the minimum ...

New wage regulation aims to reduce inter-regional disparity: Ministry

Government Regulation No. 36 of 2021 on Wages was issued to lower disparity between regions, Manpower Ministry's ...

Vaccination rate in Central Java reaches 60%

The Health Office has recorded the vaccination rate in Central Java region at 60 percent.   "It's ...

COVID-19 vaccination inequality hinders realization of national target

Member of the Expert Team at the University of Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, ...