
Collection of disparity news, found 197 news.

DIP will start offering relief compensation to those who are employed in a part-time or contracted capacity via DIP’s services if they are unable to work due to a coronavirus related illness

- DIP Corporation (hereinafter “DIP”), Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Hideki Tomita, ...

Weekend Stories

Deciphering Indonesia in its myriad shades through its female writers

International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide to honor women and their accomplishments and acknowledge what ...

Sea toll road service contributes 0.3 percent to GDP: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed related ministries to intensify the contribution of the sea ...

Indonesia will push digital transformation of sea toll system

The Indonesia's government will push digital transformation of sea toll system by planning to launch an application ...

APEC economies concur on supporting women in STEM

APEC member economies launched the APEC Women in STEM Principles and Actions, a set of recommended principles and ...

Early childhood education paramount for human capital development

Access to high-quality early childhood education is deemed vital to the continued progress in the development of human ...

News Focus

Sandiaga Uno fights for a reason

Ma'ruf Amin pair. Instead of being dragged into a long disappointment with the recent election result, he ...

Bappenas Head suggests emulating Brazil for transfer of capital city

National Development Planning Minister and Head of the National Development Planning Agency Bambang Brodjonegoro ...

Businessmen want government to evaluate sea toll policy

Deputy Chairperson for the Maritime and Fisheries of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Yugi ...

Economic ministries should synergize to optimize sea highway: Observer

Marine transportation observer Lenny Mayouri has put forth a suggestion that economic-related  ministries should ...

Ministry guarantees chili, onion supply will suffice for Ramadhan

The Agriculture Ministry has made assurance of sufficient provision of chili and onion to cater to the demand arising ...

News Focus

Awaiting Jokowi`s insightful responses to questions on toll roads By Rahmad N

The second round of Indonesia`s presidential debate, due to be held on February 17, is a golden opportunity for ...

Toll roads will not significantly reduce logistics costs: economist

Senior economist of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) Faisal Basri opined that toll roads ...

Social Justice is driving factor behind infrastructure development: Jokowi

Social justice for all Indonesian people is a driving factor behind infrastructure development across the country, ...

Sea toll program works in reducing price disparity

The sea toll program is crucial for Indonesia, which is one of the world`s largest maritime countries, with some 5.8 ...