
Collection of dkpp news, found 67 news.

Tangsel City offers total US$29,000 prize for creative trash concept

Garbage found anywhere in big cities is a headache as this could cause health problems or a catastrophe, such as ...

Foreign election commissions to monitor simultaneous regional head elections

Some 30 foreign election commissions will monitor the implementation of the upcoming simultaneous regional head ...

President Jokowi to not issue Perppu on regional head elections

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will not issue a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) to address the problem ...

Indonesia election commission commits violation by opening ballot boxes: Court

The Constitutional Court (MK) gave a ruling that the Indonesia General Elections Commission (KPU) had committed ...

KPU Chairman gets two warnings from election honorary council

Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU), Husni Kamil Manik, received two warnings from the General Election ...

Police provide protection for KPU officials following threat

Police guards are assigned to protect Election Commission (KPU) leaders and members after alleged threat of kidnapping ...

PKB to prevent formation of election special committee

The Nation Awakening Party (PKB) has planned to initiate political efforts to reject the formation of a special ...