#domestic economy

Collection of domestic economy news, found 321 news.

Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves decline at May-end 2019

Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves fell to US$120.3 billion at May-end 2019, down from $124.3 billion recorded ...

Indonesia's forex reserves decline by US$200 million in April

Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves declined by US$200 million at the end of April 2019 to US$124,3 billion from ...

Indonesia's forex reserves stable at US$124.3 billion in April 2019

The central bank recorded a relatively stable level of Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves at US$124.3 billion at ...

Government will not subsidize airplane ticket rates: Minister

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said the government would not subsidize tickets for scheduled commercial ...

Indonesia`s foreign debts up 6.9 percent to US$376 billion

Indonesia`s foreign debts rose 6.9 percent to US$376.8 billion year-on-year at the end of the fourth quarter of 2018, ...

Indonesia`s reserve assets stand at US$120.1 billion at Jan-end: BI

Indonesia`s official reserve assets at the end of January 2019 were quite high, at US$120.1 billion. "The ...

Indonesia prepares instruments with attractive "returns" to hold repatriation funds

Bank Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance, and Financial Services Authority (OJK) are preparing financial instruments ...

Growth of banking credit can reach 14 percent in 2019: OJK

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has set a target of 12-14 percent (year on year / yoy) for bank credit growth ...

Special Report

Uncovering Xinjiang`s vocational "camp" (part two - end)

It was 7 a.m. in the city of Moyu, Western China, but the sun seemed to still be reluctant to shine upon the city. Amid ...

Indonesia`s forex reserves up to US$120.7 billion in December 2018

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves rose to US$120.7 billion at the end of December 2018 from US$117.2 billion a ...

IDX strengthens following investors' optimism towards domestic economy

The Indonesian Composite Index (IDX) has strengthened by 39.83 points, following investors' optimism towards ...

Indonesia`s official reserve assets record USD117.2 billion in November

Indonesia`s official reserve assets at the end of November 2018 were recorded at USD117.2 billion, higher than ...

Forex reserves up $2 billion to $117 billion in november

Bank Indonesia (BI) announced that the country`s foreign exchange reserves rose US$2 billion to $117.2 billion at the ...

News Focus - Indonesia`s economy continues to face uncertainties in 2019

Indonesia`s economic growth will continue to be affected by uncertain global economic conditions, so it would be ...

News focus - Indonesia`s economy improves amid economic turbulence By Azis Kurmala

Global economic growth is flat and uneven, accompanied by widespread uncertainty blighting the global financial ...