
Collection of domino news, found 54 news.

World press urges Libya rebels to honour democratic hope

Newspapers around the world on Tuesday celebrated Libya`s imminent liberation from Moamer Kadhafi`s decades-old yoke ...

News Focus: RI voices NAM`s concern about nuclear weapons threat

As the Coordinator of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)`s Working Group on Disarmament, Indonesia has been very active ...

RI Leads Drive For Nuke-free World

Indonesia has been actively pushing for a world free of nuclear weapons at various regional and international fora ...

RI energy condition feared to be more critical

Political turmoil in oil producing countries has a potential to make energy condition in Indonesia getting more ...

Fled from Libya increase, people flocked border gates of Egypt

Egyptian started to fled from neighboring Libya to their country as the tension escalating in the country. ...

Muhammadiyah Leader Protests Killings in Libya

Muhammadiyah leader Din Syamsuddin here Thursday protested the killing of hundreds of civilians by pro-Libyan ...

Indonesians in Algiers remain safe : Ambassador

The Indonesian embassy in Algiers does not wish to evacuate Indonesian citizens from Egypt despite anti-government ...

Mubarak fall will provide domino effect

House of Representatives (DPR) Commission-I chairman Mahfudz Sidik said Egyptian President Hosni Mubarack`s downfall ...

Dipo regrets Sultan`s remarks

Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam has expressed regret over the statement of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono who said that it was ...