#draft bill

Collection of draft bill news, found 68 news.

BIN considers possible changes in terrorist group ISIS` strategy

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is studying possible changes in strategy that the terrorist group ISIS may adopt ...

President Jokowi supports discussion on sexual violence bill

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) supported the discussion on the bill on Elimination of Sexual Violence initiated by the ...

House asks law enforcement agencies to investigate officials in Panama Papers

Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives, Agus Hermanto, has asked law enforcement officers to investigate ...

Employers object to bill on savings for public housing

In efforts to resolve the issue of housing backlog, the government and the House are deliberating a public housing ...

IPW opposed to defamation articles on president

The Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) said the government should not include the defamation articles on President into the ...

Germany plans stricter rules against corruption in health sector

The German cabinet signed off Wednesday on a draft law to tackle corruption in the health sector. The new law, ...

Amnesty International urges Indonesian parliament to ratify domestic workers law

Amnesty International has urged the Indonesian Parliament to speed ratification of the Domestic Workers Law prior to ...

Govt wants labor insurance bill passed this year

Chief People`s Welfare Minister Agung Laksono said the government had set itself the target of having the Social ...