
Collection of drinking news, found 677 news.

Minister Rismaharini visits West Pasaman earthquake victims

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini visited earthquake victims in Nagari Kajai, Talamau Sub-district, West Pasaman ...

Praise women's position in family, community: ministry

The Religious Affairs Ministry has called on all sections of the public in Indonesia to appreciate and praise ...

Realization for 2021 PPP project investment touches Rp302.18 trillion

Investment realization under the public-private partnership (PPP) scheme by 2021-end reached Rp302.18 trillion, ...

COVID third wave could complicate stunting eradication effort: MP

A third COVID-19 wave could complicate the implementation of Indonesia's stunting eradication efforts, Netty ...

News Feature

Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year (Imlek) is the most important celebration for Chinese people, with 16-day-long celebrations, ...

Jakarta needs another 4,000 km of tap water pipelines: official

The Jakarta provincial government needs to lay an additional four thousand km of clean water pipelines to meet the ...

Ministry notifies House about 2022 program, budget allocation plan

Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono highlighted the PUPR Ministry’s program and ...

Magelang government conducts tree planting activities

The Magelang government made efforts to maintain good environmental quality by planting trees in Wates Village, North ...

New capital Nusantara to support realization of Golden Indonesia 2045

"By seeking God's approval and permission and support of the House members, our nation's ancestors, and of ...

National capital relocation to help realize Vision 2045: minister

The relocation of the national capital to East Kalimantan is one of the government's strategies for realizing ...

Ministry sends aid for Pandeglang quake victims

The Ministry of Social Affairs has sent assistance for victims of the 6.6-magnitude earthquake that struck Pandeglang ...

Stunting reduction should be right on target and sustainable: KSP

Presidential Staff Office (KSP) expert officer Brian Sri Prahastuti affirmed that the program to accelerate efforts to ...

PUPR Ministry builds three SPAMs to prevent Jakarta from sinking

Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono is committed to building three Drinking Water Supply ...

Realization of infrastructure spending for 2021 reaches 94.21 percent

The budget realization for infrastructure spending in 2021 was recorded at 94.21 percent until the end of ...

Jakarta maintains health protocol in mass transit against Omicron

The Jakarta Health Office intends to maintain the new habits and health protocols, especially in means of public ...