
Collection of earth news, found 1.328 news.

Komodo among provisional new7wonders of nature

The New7Wonders Foundation announced the first count of vote results of the provisional New7Wonders of Nature, which ...

Brazil is world champion in fighting hunger: WFP

Brazil is a world leader in the fight against hunger and its experience can be shared with other countries, visiting ...

Legislator deplores US stance on palestine`s UNESCO membership

Tantowi Yahya, a member of the House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission I, has deplored the US stance on ...

Campaign on komodo unites Indonesian people

The komodo dragon, the world`s last remaining prehistoric giant lizard, is to be found only in Komodo National Park, ...

Indonesia to host World Delta Summit 2011

Indonesia is to host a three-day World Delta Summit in Jakarta on November 21-24, 2011 as agreed at a delta ...

World of "contradiction" awaits 7 billionth person

The world`s seven billionth person will be born Monday into what UN leader Ban Ki-moon calls a "world of ...

RI, Japan scientists find two active faults in West Java

Indonesian and Japanese scientists have succeeded in gaining more knowledge on the characteristics of the Cimandiri ...

South Sudan wants to join Commonwealth

The world`s newest nation, South Sudan, wants to join the Commonwealth, the bloc`s Assistant Secretary General Stephen ...

New7wonders President visits Komodo Island

President of the New7Wonders Foundation Bernard Webber and Komodo Ambassador M Jusuf Kalla visited Komodo Island in ...

VP Boediono calls for selectiveness in approving foreign investments

Vice President Boediono said the central as well as regional governments need to start being selective in approving ...

Nine Pakistani troops killed in northwest: officials

Militants ambushed Pakistani troops on Monday, killing nine soldiers in gunbattles that lasted several hours on the ...

Canadian man completes 11-year round-the-world walk

A 56-year-old Canadian man who left home after his business went bankrupt completed an 11-year walk around the world ...

N. Sulawesi to have sophisticated Mt Lokon observatory

As of next October 22, people in North Sulawesi will be able to watch one of the province`s active volcanoes through a ...

Younger generation plays important role in green economics programs

Around 1,200 young people from over 100 countries participating in the UNEP Tunza International Children and Youth ...

World youths meeting issues Ambon Declaration

The two-day meeting of international youths for world peace and harmony ended here on Saturday with the adoption of ...