#east java governor khofifah indar parawansa

Collection of east java governor khofifah indar parawansa news, found 201 news.

President hears reports from governors on COVID-19 handling

A number of governors on Tuesday apprised President Joko Widodo of the extent of COVID-19 spread in their areas and ...

Surabaya not to extend driving permits of PSBB violators

The East Java provincial government has threatened it would not extend the driving licenses of drivers and motorists ...

Two children under surveillance for COVID-19 die in East Java

Two children below the age of five and categorized as patients under surveillance for the novel coronavirus disease ...

East Java Governor suggests large-scale social distancing measure

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has made a request to Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto on implementing ...

92 COVID-19 patients in East Java make full recovery

Some 92 of the 514 people, who had tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in East Java ...

E Java governor turns official residence into COVID-19 command center

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has turned her official residence into a command center for the COVID-19 ...

East Java coronavirus case count unchanged at 103

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa informed the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the province remained ...

Indonesia ranks first for sharia finance growth in GIFR report

Deputy Governor of the central bank (BI) Dody Budi Waluyo pointed to notable growth in sharia finance in Indonesia and ...

Kalla inaugurates Center for Islamic Economic Studies in East Java

Vice President Jusuf Kalla inaugurated the Center of Islamic Economic Studies (CIES) of Darussalam University (UNDA) ...

Kediri to have international airport: minister

Kediri has been chosen for the construction of an international airport because the district is located in a strategic ...

Security, public order in Papua under control: Gen. Tito Karnavian

Security and public order in the provinces of Papua and West Papua are now under control, National Police Chief General ...

Regional leaders must understand disaster potentials in their regions

Regional leaders must broadly understand the potential for disasters in their areas and channel preventive and ...

Jokowi believes East Java can majorly contribute to economic growth

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) views East Java Province as having significant potential to contribute to the ...

Jokowi was witness at marriage of PBNU's daughter

Indonesian President Joko Widodo witnessed the marriage ceremony of the daughter of a member of the Executive Board of ...

Health minister reminds travelers to ensure health before "mudik"

Health Minister Nila Moeloek reminded travelers to ensure their health before leaving for conducting ...