
Collection of eko news, found 742 news.

President conducts major transformation in development policy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has conducted a major transformation in the development policy, an official said. ...

Indonesia arrests four foreign fishing vessels

The Maritime and Fisheries Affairs Ministry has arrested four foreign fishing vessels, consisting of two ...

KPK to investigate BPK auditor over WTP graft case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has set a date to investigate an auditor of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) ...

BNI`s profit grows 46.7 percent in first half

State lender Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) saw its net profit in the first half of 2017 jumping 48.7 percent to Rp6.41 ...

Kalla leads meeting on handling chronic malnutrition

Vice President Jusuf Kalla led a meeting to discuss the issue of chronic malnutrition, also known as stunting, among ...

Pudjiastuti calls on countries to work together to fight destructive fishing

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has called on other countries to work together to ...

Indonesia repatriates 695 Vietnamese fishermen

The Indonesian government, through the Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (KKP), has repatriated 695 ...

Minister ready for questioning by anti-graft body

Village, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) Minister Eko Putro Sandjojo expressed readiness to face ...

Indonesia`s ship crew in Natuna incident repatriated from Vietnam

Danang Gunawan Wibisono, crew of the supervisor ship of Indonesias Maritime Affairs and Fishery Ministry who was ...

Government develops sembalun as garlic production center

The government has developed Sembalun region in East Lombok of West Nusa Tenggara as a garlic production center. ...

Indonesia, Malaysia conduct joint patrol in Malacca Strait

Indonesian and Malaysian military personnel are conducting joint patrol and excise code named Patkor Optima-26A/17 in ...

Naval warship finds Singapore`s missing yacht

Singaporean "Sunrise" Yacht that had gone missing for two days was found by the Indonesian warship KRI Siwar-646, the ...

AGO continues to hunt down fugitives of BLBIi case

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) is still hunting down fugitives of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support (BLBI) ...

RI, Malaysia poised to set world CPO price

Indonesia and Malaysia, the world largest Crude palm oil (CPO) producers hope they will eventually be able to set the ...

Indonesian Rural Minister conducts business meeting in Malaysia

Minister of Rural, Disadvantaged Area Development, and Transmigration, Eko Putro Sandjojo, conducted the ...