
Collection of elderly news, found 1.349 news.

Jakarta kicks off COVID-19 booster drive

A COVID-19 booster vaccination drive was launched at the Kramat Jati Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in East ...

200 residents of every subdistrict in W Jakarta get booster shots

The West Jakarta city government has set a target to administer the booster shots to as many as 200 residents in each ...

Jakarta's public health centers commence offering booster shots

Several public health centers in Jakarta have begun providing booster shots to the general public, including the ...

Booster shots needed to tackle Omicron spread: academic

Residents must get booster shots to help tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the spread of the Omicron variant, ...


Indonesia rolls out COVID-19 booster vaccination program

A health worker prepares to inject a COVID-19 vaccine booster dose to an elderly woman at the Kramat Jati District ...

North Sumatra Police deploy teams for door-to-door vaccinations

The regional police of North Sumatra Province has deployed special teams to carry out door-to-door COVID-19 ...

Booster vaccination schedule available on PeduliLindungi: ministry

Citizens who are eligible for the prioritized booster shot or third COVID-19 vaccine dose can check the vaccination ...

Booster vaccine program based on dose availability: minister

The Indonesian Government would give booster shots to the people at large by taking into account the ...

Indonesia has adequate booster vaccine stock: Moeldoko

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko affirmed that the government's stock of the third dose of the COVID-19 booster ...

Prabowo asks officers to expedite vaccinations for elderly, children

National Police chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has directed all ranks to work together with related parties to ...

Health protocols, vaccination for educators should be considered

Health protocol implementation and the second COVID-19 vaccination dose coverage for educators and education workers ...

Police Chief targets 100-percent child vaccination within fortnight

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo highlighted the target to achieve the child vaccination rate of 100 ...

All Indonesians to get free COVID-19 boosters: Widodo

The Indonesian government has decided to provide the third or booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to all Indonesians ...

COVID-19: President to announce booster vaccine mechanism

President Joko Widodo will announce the mechanism for the COVID-19 booster vaccine program, which is planned to kick ...

Booster vaccine distribution to involve regular channels: ministry

The Health Ministry will use the regular distribution channel for delivering the booster or third dose of the COVID-19 ...