#emergency tents

Collection of emergency tents news, found 97 news.

Floods hit Timor island

Flash floods hit five districts on Timor Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province, following heavy rains over the ...

Forestry Minister in Riau to inspect forest fire control

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan led a coordinating meeting on forest and plantation fire control here on Saturday. ...

When haze attacks three countries, cooperation needed

Haze knows no border. In this current dry season with extreme hot weather, Sumatra is being hit by forest, peatland ...

Bengawan Solo floods in Ngawi recede

The floods that have affected several parts of Ngawi district, East Java, due to the overflowing of Bengawan Solo and ...

Flood kills baby in Riau

An eight-month-old baby died after drowning in flood that hit Kepenuhan Tengah Village, Rokan Hulu District, Riau ...

Flood hits 21 hamlets in North Sumatra

A flood hit 21 hamlets in North Sumatra`s Serdang Bedagai district on Wednesday due to the overflowing of Padang and ...

Rainy season sees parts of Indonesia hit by floods, landslides

The rainy season has only begun in Indonesia, which has only two seasons, rainy (November to March) and dry (June to ...

242 houses still submerged in water after Central Sulawesi floods

Floods are still inundating around 242 houses across several villages located in the South Parigi sub-district of the ...

news focus: Jakarta bracing for potential major floods

Jakarta is bracing for the possibility of floods happening in early 2012 on the same scale as the 2002 and 2007 ...

RI's govt urged to mitigate impacts of Jakarta floods

Public policy observer Andrinov Chaniago has urged the government to mitigate the impacts of big floods which usually ...

Jakarta to build another dam to address flood problem

Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo has said the capital city will build another dam to overcome a chronic flood problem in ...

Iran sets up 50 emergency tents in quake-stricken Turkish province

The Iranian Red Crescent Society has, so far, set up 50 emergency tents in the quake-stricken Van province in eastern ...

Mt Lokon eruptions force schools to suspend classes

Mount Lokon eruptions have forced three elementary schools at Kinilow, Kinilow 1 and Kakaskasen 1, Tomohon, North ...

Mt Lokon erupts twice on Monday

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reported that Mount Lokon in North Sulawesi erupted twice on Monday, ...

Flood isolates thousands of S Pesisir residents

A flood isolated thousands of people at Nagari Ampek Koto Mudiak, Batang Kapas Sub-district, South Pesisir District, ...