
Collection of employee news, found 740 news.

New Discovery of Outcropping Base Metal Mineralisation Lead Belly Prospect, Iron Glen Project

-     Strategic Minerals plc (AIM: SML), the Queensland based minerals exploration Company, is ...

Police shot dead a robber in Batam

Police shot dead one of eight armed robbers when they were trying to rob a store in the Dotamana housing complex, ...

RI lags far hind in insurance security system

Indonesia is lagging far behind other countries in social security and protection system, a legislator said. ...

Bank Danamon receives suspected parcel bomb

The regional office of Bank Danamon in Medan, North Sumatra, on Friday received a suspected parcel bomb from an ...

Bank Indonesia assures protection of bank customers

Bank Indonesia will always protect bank customers as shown by the sanctions it gave to Bank Mega on Tuesday, deputy ...

Tiger bites handler at Queensland tourist park

A tiger has bitten a handler at the Dreamworld tourist park on the Gold Coast, Australia. Paramedics were called ...

BTN to spend 30% of its profit on dividends

State-owned Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) said its shareholders have agreed to set aside 30 percent of its 2010 net ...

Social Media's Place in the Workplace

-          The average employee spends between 30 and 60 minutes each day online for ...

Social media`s place in the workplace

The average employee spends between 30 and 60 minutes each day online for personal reasons, according to a study by ...

US sues Starbucks for firing dwarf from barista job

The U.S. government is suing Starbucks, saying the coffee company fired a barista in El Paso, Texas because she is a ...

Indonesian housemaid murderd In S`pore

The Indonesian embassy in Singapore confirmed the Indonesian woman named Ruliyawati from Kendal, Central Java, was ...

Merpati restructuring efforts to continue : minister

State Enterprises Minister Mustafa Abubakar said restructuring efforts in PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines will continue ...

Seven killed in Iraq attacks

At least seven people were killed in new violence in Iraq on Wednesday, including three civilians in roadside bombings ...

3CX Phone System Gets Skype Connect Certified

-        - 3CX Phone System for Windows Allows Businesses to Connect With Skype Users ...

Another suspect in Citibank debt collection case arrested

South Jakarta police arrested another suspect in the debt collection-related death case of Citibank customer Irzan ...