
Collection of evacuation news, found 1.770 news.

President jokowi outlines four priorities in Central Sulawesi disaster handling

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has outlined four priorities in handling efforts to rescue and assist victims of the ...

Fuel supplies in Palu adequate: Minister

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Rini Soemarno emphasized that fuel supplies in Palu and the surrounding areas ...

Eight foreign victims of earthquake-tsunami are not found : BNPB

As many as eight foreign nationals from Belgium, South Korea and France who had been victims of the Central Sulawesi ...

Residents to depart from earthquake-hit area aboard Pelni ship

Thousands of residents in Palu, Central Sulawesi, looking to leave the earthquake-stricken area, will be transported ...

Devastated transportation infrastructure hinders aid distribution: Red Cross

Damage caused to transportation infrastructure following the magnitude-7.4 earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu, ...

Government disburses Rp560 billion on-call funds for Palu quake relief

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani confirmed that the government had disbursed Rp560 billion on-call funds for handling the ...

Government to deliver food aid in large quantities: president

The government will deliver food and water aid in large quantities to Palu to assist earthquake and tsunami victims in ...

Dozens of excavators dispatched to evacuate palu`s quake victims: minister

Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono has instructed his people to mobilize at least 14 excavators, ...

Death toll of Donggala-Palu quake and tsunami up to 1,203: ACT

The death toll of the Friday`s Donggala-Palu earthquake and tsunami has risen to 1,203, the Team of Quick Action (ACT) ...

President Jokowi visits quake, tsunsmi-stricken areas

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) visited areas affected by quake and tsunami disasters in Palu, Central Sulawesi, here ...

News Focus - Indonesian government moves swiftly in handling Gonggala quake victims

The Indonesian government has to act promptly to handle victims probably trapped in the rubble of buildings damaged by ...

Death toll in Palu quake, tsunami reaches 384 on Saturday

The death toll in a powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami in the Central Sulawesi provincial ...

Social Ministry sends logistic assistance for donggala earthquake response

The Ministry of Social Affairs is moving quickly to send logistical assistance and personnel for Disaster Preparedness ...

Social Ministry moves very fast in handling Donggala quake

Social Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the Ministry of Social Affairs had made an emergency response to deal ...

Rescuers deployed to Donggala, Palu`s disaster zones: minister

Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto said a joint evacuation team had been deployed to ...