
Collection of evacuation news, found 1.770 news.

Family expects body of member after MH17 crash

The family of Gerda Leliana Lahenda who was the victim of the Malaysian Airlines MH17 airplane that crashed in Ukraine ...

Australia sends troops to protect Baghdad embassy

Australia on Friday said it has sent a small detachment of soldiers to protect its embassy in Baghdad in the face of ...

Ship carrying 97 Indonesian sinks off Malaysian waters

A ship carrying 97 Indonesians sank off Air Hitam river, Selangor Malaysia, on Tuesday night, Information Director ...

Doa Ibu MV sink in Riau waters

The Indonesian Motor Vessel "Doa Ibu IV" sank in the Bagansiapiapi waters of Rokan Hilir district in Riau province in ...

Yogyakarta govt to repair 50 km of Merapi evacuation road

The Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency said the government will repair the 50-kilometer evacuation road ...

Mount Slamet`s status raised to alert level

The status of Mount Slamet located in the districts of Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes in Central ...

Two volcanoes` status in Java increased

The status of the two most active volcanoes in Java Island, Mount Slamet and Merapi, were raised by the authority on ...

Mount Merapi status increased to alert level II

The Geology Disaster Technology Development and Research Center (BPPTKG) of Yogyakarta on Wednesday raised the status ...

Mt Slamet status increased to alert level III

The Volcanology and Geology Disaster Mitigation Center PVMBG on Wednesday raised the status of Mount Slamet in Central ...

Aceh deploys a ship to join search for Malaysian aircraft

Aceh provinces search and rescue team has deployed a ship to Malacca strait to help search for a missing Malaysian ...

Indonesian Air Force combs Malaka strait to search missing MH370

Indonesian Air Force Boeing A7303 combed the Malaka Strait in search of the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 from ...

Mt Slamet`s status raised to alert level

The Indonesian authorities have raised the status of Mount Slamet in Central Java from normal to alert level as of 9 ...

Landslide kills four in West Java

Landslide following heavy rain killed four people in the hill city of Bogor, West Java, on Sunday. The accident ...

Floods still threatening Jakarta until March

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) called on residents of Jakarta and its satellite town of Bogor, Depok, ...

flooding sends thousands of Ifndonesians back to refugee camps

New waves of flooding has forced thousands of Indonesians to leave homes to suffer in refugee camps again. The ...