
Collection of exodus news, found 983 news.

Seven ships not worthy for ferriage before Idul Fitr

At least seven out of 42 ships of the "roll on roll off" (roro) are not worthy to be operated for mass homeward exodus ...

ASDP prepares 42 ferries during holiday exodus

State-owned inland waterway transportation service PT ASDP has prepared 42 ferries to anticipate increasing number of ...

Cilacap readies alternative roads for holiday travelers

The Cilacap district transportation office is designating several alternative roads for 2013 Lebaran holiday ...

Navy ready to face Indonesian exodus from Sabah

The Indonesian Navy is ready to deploy warships to ferry Indonesian migrant workers (TKI) from Sabah, Malaysia, if an ...

Indonesian migrant workers evacuated amidst Sabah standoff

A standoff between Malaysian security forces and armed Filipinos, which was initially considered as a bizarre ...

Nunukan police anticipate exodus of Indonesian workers from Sabah

The Nunukan Police in East Kalimantan Province are anticipating an exodus of Indonesian migrant workers from Lahad ...

China media urge "heavy price" for North Korea nuclear test

China should exact a heavy price" from North Korea if it carries out a planned nuclear test, state-run media said on ...

Rape "significant" factor in Syria conflict: Watchdog

Rape has been a "significant" weapon of war in the conflict raging in Syria since March 2011 and is the "primary" ...

Casualties during 2012`s Idul Fitri exodus rise

Latest data from the Indonesian police has revealed that the number of deaths resulting from accidents that took place ...

Police, TNI chiefs review security arrangements at Bakauheni port

The National Police (Polri) Chief General Timur Pradopo and National Defense Forces (TNI) Commander Admiral Agus ...

Homeward-bound travelers urged to take safety-first approach

The police have placing ads along the highways, which read "Give Priority to Safety: Your Family Is Waiting For You at ...

Bus operators complain of free "mudik" program

The post-fasting Id-ul Fitr holidays are special days that see millions of people traveling to their hometowns, ...

Lebaran exodus begins

Thousands of people have started their annual journey home to celebrate the Lebaran holidays. The Lebaran exodus ...

Number of Lebaran holiday travellers by train rises 16.2%

The number of people taking the train to their home villages for Lebaran this year has increased by 16.2 percent ...

Lebaran services not routine

President Susilo Bambang Yudhono has stated that the health and security services provided to Id-ul Fitr travellers ...