
Collection of exodus news, found 983 news.

Idul Fitri travellers on motorcycles drop 33.9 percent

The number of homebound travelers traveling on motorcycles during the Idul Fitri 2013 exodus dropped by 33.9 percent ...

719 people killed in road accidents during Idul Fitri holidays

Police have recorded that a total of 719 people were killed in traffic accidents during the post-fasting Lebaran ...

518 people killed in traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus

A total of 518 people were killed in 2,337 traffic accidents occurring up to three days after (D+3) Idul Fitri that ...

15 killed in W. Kalimantan traffic accidents

Fifteen fatalities due to traffic accidents were recorded in West Kalimantan during the Idul Fitri exodus, a policeman ...

Eight people killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau

During the Operation "Ketupat" from August 2 to 11, eight people were killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau Province, ...

Idul Fitri exodus sees fewer traffic accidents

The number of traffic accidents across Indonesia has decreased compared with the same time last year, despite the ...

Government Gives Optimal Service to Holiday Travellers

The government has ramped up services for travellers during the 2013 Idul Fitri holiday season. Transportation ...

Eid al Fitr holiday travelers start packing ferry ports

It is only five days until Indonesian Muslims observe the 2013 Eid al-Fitr festival to end the month-long Ramadan ...

A main port packed by holiday travelers

Large groups of 2013 Eid al-Fitr holiday travelers from Java Island have begun arriving at Bakauheni port in South ...

President chairs meeting on preparations for Idul Fitri exodus

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a cabinet meeting here on Friday to discuss preparations for serving ...

IDI sets up health posts to aid homebound travelers

The Indonesian Doctors` Association (IDI) has set up some five health posts to serve the medical needs of Idul Fitri ...

Indsonesian minister observes airport readiness to serve travelers

Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan inspected Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang, Banten, to see its readiness to ...

Idul Fitri - Travelers urged to not use motorcycles

Jakarta Police Deputy Chief Brig. Gen. Sudjarno asked Idul Fitri holiday travelers to not use motorcycles when they ...

Gasoline consumption to increase 30 pct during Lebaran

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina has predicted that subsidized gasoline consumption will increase by up to 30 ...

President Yudhoyono wants pleasant Idul Fitri journey

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for preparation of necessary infrastructure to make the annual journey ...