
Collection of exodus news, found 983 news.

President believes terror attack will not affect tourism

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed confidence that Indonesias tourism industry will not be affected by ...

Inflation may be below 4.5 percent by year end: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the inflation rate may drop to below 4.5 percent by the end of the year, which ...

Travelers returning to Jakarta after Lebaran begin to decline

Travelers returning from their hometowns after Eid continued to throng ferry ports and train stations in cities in ...

Traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus claimed 628 lives

Traffic accidents that occurred across Indonesia during the Idul Fitri exodus resulted in 628 fatalities, according to ...

Over four million cars enter Jakarta during Idul Fitri exodus

The Jakarta Police recorded as many as 4,320,974 cars entering the capital via toll roads during the "Ketupat" ...

Jakarta witnessing return flow of Lebaran holidaymakers

After celebrating Idul Fitri or the Lebaran festive season in their hometowns and villages, thousands of people have ...

Jakarta police deployed 5,094 personnel to secure Lebaran night

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police deployed a joint force comprising 5,094 personnel to secure the "Takbiran" or Lebaran ...

Merak port rescue team stays on alert during Lebaran

The search and rescue team (SAR) at Merak ferry port, Banten, will remain on guard during the Idul Fitri or Lebaran ...

Muslims in Indonesia poised for Lebaran festivities

With July 17 just a day away, the Muslims across Indonesia are eagerly gearing up for the Idul Fitri or locally known ...

Thousands of homebound motorcyclists join free Idul Fitri rides

Thousands of motorcyclists heading their hometowns to celebrate Idul Fitri Islamic festivity joined a free ride ...

Lebaran holiday travelers continue to throng ferry ports

Thousands of Idul Fitri or Lebaran homebound travelers this year have been seen thronging the ferry ports of Merak in ...

Thousands of Lebaran travelers stranded at Merak Port

Thousands of the 2015 Idul Fitri, or Lebaran holiday travelers were stranded at Merak port in Banten province on ...

Indonesian Red Cross to establish 219 health posts for Eid exodus

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has set up health service posts at 219 points, which will function from July 10 to 24, ...

Indonesian govt gears up to secure Idul Fitri exodus

After fasting during the entire holy month of Ramadan, Indonesian Muslims, who account for nearly 90 percent of the ...

Indonesia police deploying 82 thousand personnel to secure Idul Fitri exodus

The National Police will deploy 82,538 personnel during the 16-day-long "Ketupat Operation," from July 10 to 25, 2015, ...