
Collection of exploitation news, found 554 news.

Management of upstream oil and gas industry still not conducive

The management of the upstream oil and gas industry is not conducive, and there has been a decline in the rate of oil ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Fish production must be controlled

The People`s Coalition for Fisheries Justice (Kiara) has urged the government to control fish production in 2013 to ...

Thousands of houses in Jambi flooded during new year celebrations

Floods triggered by heavy rainfall inundated at least 1,077 houses in Merangin regency, Jambi province, during the ...

Dignifying women without exploitation

Until the end of 2012, women in Indonesia and in most of Asia`s developing countries seem to suffer more due to the ...

Indonesia remains committed to reducing greenhouse gases

Indonesia will remain committed to reducing greenhouse gases by 26 percent by 2020, chief economic minister Hatta ...

Hizbut Tahrir to hold women`s International Conference in Jakarta

Islamic organization Hizbut Tahrir is set to hold an International Women's Conference on December 22 at Sahid Jaya ...

UNGA president calls for universal ratification of law of sea convention

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) President Vuk Jeremic on Monday marked the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations ...

Indonesia`s forest governance needs reform

The management of Indonesia`s remaining 120 million hectares of forests needs reform, owing to the fact that there are ...

Pertamina to acquire Venezuelan oil company

Minister for State Enterprises Dahlan Iskan said state oil and gas company PT Pertamina is expected to a sign a deal ...

Long and winding road towards Sunda Strait Bridge

Indonesia has been dreaming of building the Sunda Strait Bridge, a mega project that will connect Indonesia`s two ...

Indonesia`s dependence on oil and gas imports high

Indonesia has become very dependent upon oil and gas imports because its consumption surpasses its production capacity ...

BP Migas dissolution not to disrupt oil business

The government has given the assurance that the dissolution of BP Migas, the upstream oil and gas regulator, by the ...

Pertamina EP makes profit of Rp14.3 trillion

PT Pertamina EP, the upstream business unit of state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina, books a net profit of ...

Iindonesia`s forests have passed through critical period

The forests in Indonesia have passed through a critical period when millions of hectares were destroyed per year in ...