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PON Papua

KONI recommends billiards to become Papua's mainstay sport

The Central National Sports Committee (KONI) suggested to the Papua provincial government to make billiards as one of ...

Ministry makes preparations for int'l travelers at Bali airport

The Transportation Ministry is coordinating with related stakeholders to ensure preparedness in handling international ...

Form COVID-19 task force for large events, event organizers told

Organizing committees must form a COVID-19 task force when organizing large-scale events, government spokesperson for ...

BANDAI NAMCO Group holds "2nd GUNDAM Conference"

-Announcing Latest Information on GUNDAM-powered, Societal Issue-focused Sustainability Project, New "Life-sized ...

News Focus

Developing Merauke and South Papua province in waiting

After officially opening Papua's 20th PON National Games on Saturday evening, President Joko Widodo continued his ...

President Jokowi inaugurates Papua's Sota cross-border post

After officially opening Papua's 20th PON National Games on Saturday evening, President Joko Widodo continued his ...

Minister reviews readiness of Merauke's Moerdani Modular Hospital

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto reviewed the readiness of the Moerdani Modular Hospital in Merauke, Papua, before the ...

Papua Bangkit Stadium reflects govt's commitment to building Papua

The completion of the Papua Bangkit (Papua Rising) Sports Complex in East Sentani, Jayapura, mirrors the ...

PON Papua

President Jokowi inaugurates seven venues for PON in Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated seven venues of the XX National Sports Week (PON) in Jayapura, Papua, on ...

Ushering in a new era of medical education at NTHU

National Tsing Hua University’s plan to establish a post-baccalaureate program in medicine has been approved at a ...

Malang Forkopimda launches drive-thru vaccination car

The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Greater Malang launched a car that will provide drive-thru ...

Raharjati Nursyamsa surpasses Veddriq Leonardo's climbing world record

West Java athlete Raharjati Nursyamsa might replace West Kalimantan representative Veddriq Leonardo as the men's ...

TDCX announces pricing of initial public offering

TDCX Inc. ("TDCX" or the “Company”), a high-growth digital customer experience solutions provider for technology ...

KPK reviews construction of Banten International Stadium

Banten Governor Wahidin Halim and Region II supervision and coordination director of the Corruption Eradication ...

Mimika district's communication network gets PON boost

The XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) has prompted the development of the telecommunications network in Mimika ...