
Collection of faster news, found 1.845 news.

S BLOCK 1000 pax Interstellar Quantitative Summit convenes in Bangkok

- On August 21st, "S BLOCK Interstellar Quantitative Summit" officially convened in Bangkok, Thailand!This press ...

Indonesia bore brunt of sluggish move to explore trade deals

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita drew attention to the fact that Indonesia’s sluggish stance to explore trade ...

Annual Budget Speech

President highlights impact of artificial intelligence on work

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) again drew attention to the impact of artificial intelligence on job simplification, so ...

Pontianak residents exposed to thick smoke from wildfire

Several residents of Pontianak, the capital city of West Kalimantan Province, are left with no choice but to inhale the ...

News Focus

ASEAN should move faster for mitigation of peatland fires, haze

The 2016-signed financing agreement of "Sustainable Use of Peatland and Haze Mitigation" (SUPA) for climate ...

Unity becomes key factor behind ASEAN relevance: President

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has played a central role among countries by promoting unity, ...

Tiger exits Chevron compound by scaling two-meter-high fence

A Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), captured on camera roaming around the facility of oil firm PT Chevron ...

@BactLAB(TM), Bacterial Colony-counting Service, Now Available Globally

-Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., based in Tokyo, is pleased to announce that @BactLAB(TM), an application that uses ...

Sea-level rise poses threat to Jakarta, Semarang, Demak coastal areas

Rising sea levels and decreasing land surface, driven by global climate change, pose an existential crisis to coastal ...

Alibaba.com opens platform to empower U.S. small businesses to sell to the world

- Alibaba.com, one of the world’s largest B2B ecommerce marketplaces and a business unit of Alibaba Group (NYSE: ...

Integrated system to improve services for higher learning institutions

SIL@T, an application of the Integrated Information and Service System, is expected to improve the services of ...

Robbinz Department Store (Tianjin), taking the initiative in "general merchandise model" in the new era

-Robbinz Department Store, located in Tianjin, China, has taken on a new look after renovation and upgrading, proving ...

President Jokowi asked to promote maritime trilogy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was asked to promote the ideas of the maritime trilogy, including port standardization, ...

Shopify unveils new innovations to transform commerce for merchants and consumers globally

- Today, Shopify Inc. (NYSE:SHOP) (TSX:SHOP), the leading multi-channel commerce platform, unveiled the latest in ...

Innovation is Key in this Age of Constant Change and Disruption

The Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA) welcomed over 180 delegates to the first Satellite Industry Forum (SIF) in ...