#fishery product

Collection of fishery product news, found 117 news.

Indonesia's fishery imports declining

Indonesia`s fishery imports decline amid fear of state trade balance deficit in 2012, Director General for Processing ...

Bontang has potential to produce one million tons of fish per year

Bontang city has the potential to produce one million tons of fish per year, local Chief of Marine and Fisheries ...

Indonesia to participate in European Seafood Exposition 2012

Indonesian fishery product companies will participate in the European Seafood Exposition (ESE) 2012 to be held in ...

Indonesia Promotes Fishery Products to Attract European Market

Indonesia is promoting the potential of fishery products in order to improve penetration into the European market as ...

KKP Eliminates 28 Tons Imported Fish from China

Head of Quarantine, Quality Control and Safety of Fisheries Product (BKIPM) Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries ...

Students clean up Tanjung Kelayang Beach

Around 400 students of Sijuk sub district, Belitung District, Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province, joined an activity of ...

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

Traditional fishing boats to join Sail Wakatobi Belitong parade

Some 500 traditional fishing boats will join the Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) peak event. "At the SWB`s peak ...

Per capita fish consumption expected to increase to 32 kg

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry predicts the country`s per capita fish consumption will increase to 32 kg ...

Wakatobi Poised To Celebrate Int`l Sail Event

Wakatobi is expected to have a festive atmosphere as 1,000 bikers will tour the district and thousands of local people ...

Wakatobi opens registration for undersea photo contest

The Tourism and Culture Service of Wakabobi district, South East Sulawesi, is now opening registration for ...

Forty countries to take part in Sail Wakatobi-Belitong

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad said at least 40 countries will take part in Sail ...

Govt to form team to implement accelerated development plan

The Indonesian government will set up a team to ensure the successful implementation of its Master Plan for the ...

Maluku businessmen should take advantage of MP3EI

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu has encouraged businessmen in the province to take advantage of Acceleration ...

APEC now aware of need to conserve marine resources

Contributing more than 90 percent of global aquaculture production, over 75 percent of the world`s capture fisheries ...