
Collection of flash news, found 889 news.

Falling trees in Jakarta hit 14 cars

Fourteen cars got damaged after being hit by toppled trees following torrential rains and strong winds that hit ...

One-hundred flood victims in C Sulawesi still in shelters

Some 100 residents of Salua village, Sigi district, Central Sulawesi province, are still in refuge shelters on ...

VP asks ARF Direx participants to observe moment of silence

Vice President Boediono asked on Tuesday participants of the ongoing ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise ...

Rescue team searching for missing flash flood victims in Aceh

A joint rescue team of the National Defence Forces (TNI) and Police and some volunteers are still searching for ...

RI ready to send humanitarian team to Japan

The Indonesian government is ready to send a humanitarian team to Japan to help the latter authorities in the ...

Flash floods kill nine, sweep away hundreds of houses in Aceh

Flash floods triggered by incessant heavy rains over the past two days in mountainous area in Tangse sub district, ...

Flash floods hit Pidie district

Flash floods hit at least seven villages in Tangse sub district, Pidie District, Aceh Darussalam Province, Thursday ...

Round Rock Research LLC to Offer at Auction Four 'Covenants not to Sue'

-    ICAP Ocean Tomo (http://www.icapoceantomo.com.

Flood inundates hundreds of houses in Sumbawa

A flood triggered by incessant heavy rains on Sunday (March 6), inundated hundreds of houses at Brang Kolong village, ...

Landslide damages three houses in Boyolali

A landslide that struck certain areas of the villages of Cepogo and Surodadi, Boyolali district, Central Java, on ...

Tens of Houses Inundated in Manggopoh, W Sumatra

Tens of houses were flooded at Pasa Durian Manggopoh, Lubuk Basung sub district, Agam District, West Sumatra, ...

Flash Floods Hit Aceh Jaya Villages

Flash floods triggered by heavy rains since Friday (Feb. 25), have hit seven villages in Teunom sub districts, Aceh ...

Flash flood hits Jepara

A flash flood triggered by heavy rains swept through a number of villages in three subdistricts in Jepara district, ...

Thousands of Australians evacuate from flood hit Victorian towns

As a series of super-cell storms rolled across the state, thousands of Australians were evacuated from Victoria`s ...

Govt to dispatch rice supplies for fishermen

The government will dispatch rice stock for fishermen in several parts of Indonesia who temporarily cannot earn a ...