#food crops

Collection of food crops news, found 248 news.

C Kalimantan projects local areas to become food providers for IKN

The Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) projects local areas to serve as food providers and emerge as ...

Top Singapore sustainability technology company SGP Foods advocates sustainability for food production

With its innovative technologies, SGP Foods is a global leader in agriculture sustainability, ...

Agriculture minister ensures rice planting activities run optimally

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman ensured that the rice planting period in various regions in Indonesia, ...

Govt ensures Rp14 trillion additional budget for fertilizer subsidy

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman affirmed that the government would increase the budget allocated for ...

Rice production safe as planting expedited: Agriculture Minister

Rice production at the start of the year and during the main harvest season in March-April 2024 would be safe, as the ...

President calls for vigilance against climate change impact on harvest

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged ministries and agencies to beware of the impact of climate change that could ...

Central Kalimantan to be food buffer region for Nusantara: minister

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman has informed that Central Kalimantan province is expected to become a food buffer ...

Government distributes 24,540 kg of rice aid to West Papuans

The central government, through state-owned logistics company Bulog, distributed 24,540 kilograms of the Government ...

Govt to introduce weather-resistant tuber to tackle Papua famine

The government will introduce a high-quality tuber variety that is resistant to extreme weather as a permanent solution ...

Ministry stresses need to boost harvests, build robust food ecosystem

The Agriculture Ministry has emphasized the critical need for innovations in agricultural research to bolster harvests ...

Ministry promises to reward regions with high rice production

The Agriculture Ministry has promised special awards for regions with high rice production as part of efforts to ...

Indonesia needs 300 more dams to face water crises: Ministry

Indonesia needs 300 more dams to anticipate natural disasters, such as water crises due to climate change, according to ...

Bengkulu distributes agricultural aid to farmers to boost productivity

The Bengkulu administration has distributed agricultural equipment and machinery assistance to farmers to increase the ...

BRIN outlines three steps to prevent El Nino-induced crop failures

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has invited farmers to take three steps in a bid to suppress the ...

Preparing ground for a young crop of farmers

Indonesia is widely known as an agrarian country. As per data from the Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Ministry, ...