#foot and mouth disease

Collection of foot and mouth disease news, found 252 news.

Ministry to import 3 million foot-and-mouth disease vaccine doses

The Ministry of Agriculture will import 3 million vaccine doses for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), which are expected to ...

Central Lombok extends cattle market closure to check FMD spread

The Central Lombok district government, West Nusa Tenggara, has announced that it has extended the closure of local ...

Agriculture minister ensures beef supply safe ahead of Eid al-Adha

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has ensured that the beef supply is safe to meet the community's needs ...

Bulog ensures imported meat free from foot-and-mouth disease

State-owned logistics firm Bulog has ensured that the imported frozen buffalo meat is free from the foot-and-mouth ...

Tangerang to dispatch 100 doctors for health monitoring of livestock

The Tangerang district government has involved hundreds of doctors in monitoring and anticipating the spread of foot ...

Riau sets up five checkpoints to prevent entry of FMD-infected cattle

Ahead of Eid al-Adha, the Riau Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Office has established five checkpoints to prevent ...

Farmers' body seeks formation of FMD task force

Chairman of the Indonesian Farmers’ Association (HKTI), Fadli Zon, has urged the government to form a task force ...

House urges gov't to declare FMD outbreak a national disaster

Commission IV of the House of Representatives has urged the Agriculture Ministry to ask the government to declare the ...

East Java: Governor asks regions to form FMD task force

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has asked regional heads in the province to promptly form task forces for ...

Bogor's five stop points on border to suppress FMD spread

The Bogor City Government and its stakeholders have put in efforts to address foot and mouth disease (FMD) spreading ...

Agriculture Ministry commences production of FMD vaccine

The Center for Pharma Veterinary (Pusvetma) of the Ministry of Agriculture has begun producing a vaccine for foot and ...

Crunch time in fight against foot and mouth disease

Foot and mouth disease infecting cattle could acutely damage the ruminant livestock industry, with annual losses ...

MUI readies guidelines to anticipate FMD in livestock for Eid

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) notified that guidelines for sacrificial animals (qurban) 1443 H/2022 to anticipate ...

Children most vulnerable group facing global epidemic: Epidemiologist

Children are the most vulnerable group in dealing with a disease outbreak, either globally or nationally, ...

15 East Java districts, cities free of FMD: Governor

So far, 15 districts and cities in East Java have been categorized as "green zones" or regions that are free ...