#foreign currencies

Collection of foreign currencies news, found 104 news.

BI expects next year`s exchange rate to average Rp9,000

Bank Indonesia expects the rupiah exchange rate to be at an average of Rp9000 against the US dollar next year, which ...

Finance minister : RI`s forex reserves safe

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said on Tuesday he was not worried about the country`s US dollar-denominated ...

Capital outflow normal thing : BI

Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) said capital outflow from one country to another was a normal thing because all ...

BI: rupiah weakens since Sept

Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) said the rupiah had weakened against the US dollar since September 2011. ...

BI denies banks suffering liquidity shortage

Bank Indonesia said banks` liquidity is still huge including supply of foreign currencies. "The funds in rupiah ...

RI`s forex reserves sufficient to safeguard rupiah : BI official

Indonesia`s foreign reserves are strong enough to safeguard the rupiah from money market pressures caused by the ...

Exporters required to put forex earnings in domestic banks

Bank Indonesia (central bank/BI) will soon issue a regulation requiring exporters to put foreign exchange earnings in ...

RI`s forex reserves reach $124.6 bln in August

Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves in the year ended August 31 reached US$124.6 billion enough to finance 7.1 ...

Bank Mandiri To Open Branch In Malaysia

State-owned Bank Mandiri will soon open a branch in Malaysia with the status of subsidiary, the bank`s director of ...

Judicial Commission commends Supreme Court`s plan to fire a corrupt judge

The Judicial Commission (KY) which oversees the conduct of court judges lauds and appreciates the Supreme Court (MA)`s ...

Supreme court to suspend judge Syarifuddin over bribery case

The Supreme Court will issue a decree to suspend judge Syarifuddin recently caught by the Corruption Eradication ...

Judge S named suspect in bribery case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named judge S a suspect in a bribery case. KPK spokesman Johan ...

BI decides to keep reference rate at 6.75 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) on Friday decided to maintain its reference rate at 6.75 percent and also its tight monetary ...

Financial system stable despite capital outflow : BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) said the country`s financial system last week had remained stable despite pressure caused by a ...