#foreign investment up

Collection of foreign investment up news, found 705 news.

Govt upbeat about its investment target

The investment climate in Indonesia in the last two years has been favorable following investment reforms and an ...

ASEAN must become global investment destination: Deputy minister

ASEAN must become one of the global investment destinations, due to its huge economic potentials coupled with ...

Govt to collect taxes from Google this year

Director General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance Ken Dwijugiasteadi said the government will collect taxes from ...

Indonesia remains key investment hub for Japanese

Indonesia, which is the most populated nation and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, remains one of main ...

Minister to boost surveillance against smuggling

Indonesias Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti said here on Monday she would order increased ...

Australian investors, Banten-owned enterprise to construct gas-fueled power plant

Australian Investors and a Banten administration-owned enterprise, Banten Global Development, will jointly construct a ...

OJK, Astana agree to support the financial services industry

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has signed cooperation agreements with financial institutions in Kazakhstan ...

Indonesia to build wind powered electricity generating plant in sulawesi

Copenhagen (ANTARANews)  - Indonesia has signed an agreement for the development of wind-powered electricity ...

Indonesia, US bilateral economy projected at US$131.7 billion

The US Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia) has projected the total value of bilateral economic ...

Indonesia has 800 thousand hectares of agricultural lands in Australia

The Australian Tax Authorities (ATO) have noted that by mid-2016, foreign entities own 52.1 million hectares of ...

Indonesia supports Asian tourism partnership

The Indonesian government is committed to further develop the international cultural tourism network between countries ...

Bangladesh police kill 'mastermind' of Dhaka cafe attack

Bangladesh security forces killed three Islamist militants on Saturday (August 28), including a Bangladesh-born ...

Lawmaker asks government to issue perppu on oil and gas

A lawmaker urged the government to issue regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) while waiting for the House of ...

Indonesia`s negative investment list most restrictive: BKPM

Indonesias Negative Investment List (DNI) is the most restrictive regulation in the ASEAN system, Head of the Capital ...

Liberalization of DNI hinted to lure in more investors

The new head of the Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Lembong said the Investment Negative List ...