
Collection of forests news, found 1.489 news.

Newly discovered orangutan species in Indonesia already at risk: Greenpeace

Researchers have announced the discovery of a new orangutan species -- Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis.

Exploring road from Pontianak to Kuching

The GA0500 flight of Garuda Indonesia airlines landed at Supadio International Airport in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, ...

Land reform to improve economic equality in Indonesia: President

Land reform and social forestry have become part of the efforts to improve economic equality for Indonesians, ...

RAPP must abide by regulations: environment minister

Forestry and Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya expressed regret that the governments efforts to ensure that PT RAPP, ...

Promoting Southeast Sulawesi tourism in Middle East

The Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi has several alluring tourist attractions, such as Bokori Island and ...

Ketawai Island popular among foreign yachts

The Ketawai Island resort in Central Bangka District, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) Province, has become more popular and ...

Indonesia, Norway commit to assure sea healthiness

Indonesia and Norway have made commitment to jointly work to assure sea healthiness to reduce the impact of climate ...

Poaching of sumatran tiger remains rampant

The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) on the island of Sumatra for trading remains rampant, ...

Sail Sabang expected to increase economic potentials

The upcoming international maritime event of Sail Sabang is a great moment that should be utilized by the Government ...

Ministry set 1.54 million ha of social forestry zones

From the 12.7 million hectares land targeted earlier, the Environment Ministry has just set 1.54 million ha of social ...

One million hectares of oil palm plantation illegal in Riau

Around one million hectares of oil palm plantations are illegal in Riau, Director General of Ecosystem and Natural ...

President to tighten issuance of permits for forest industry

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed here on Wednesday that he will tighten requirements on the issuance of permits ...

President reminds young officers of future`s threat

President Joko Widodo reminded on Monday new graduates of the countrys military and police academy of global threats ...

Endemic "Armophallus Titanium" blooms perfectly in Bengkulu

A rare endemic "Armophallus Titanium" flower, which was 3 meters in height, bloomed perfectly in a farmers plants ...

Appeal to protect Leuser ecosystem

The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (TRHS) is prioritized after UNESCOs World Heritage Committees decision, in ...