
Collection of formation news, found 1.348 news.

Youth to speak out on climate change

Indonesian youths and young leaders are expected to speak out on climate change at the International Youth Forum On ...

Whirlwind strikes two Cilacap villages

A strong whirlwind struck Mulyadadi and Pahonjean villages, Majenang subdistrict, Cilacap regency in Central Java on ...

ASEAN Strives To Become Single Tourist Destination

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) scenic Island of Lombok hosted an ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Retreat on January 15-17, 2011 ...

Stairway to Asean Community in 2015

ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) is now trying to build an ASEAN Community based upon three pillars ...

50 dead in Iraq as suicide blasts rock holy city

A spate of explosions across Iraq on Thursday killed at least 50 people, most of them in twin suicide car bombings in ...

Indonesian chairmanship`s role and ASEAN agenda

Since it was funded by the Association of Southast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia has played an important role for ...

Israel`s Barak to quit Labour and form new party: media

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak was on Monday to quit his Labour party, a key member of the ruling coalition, and ...

Parts of Indonesia experience cyclone Vince`s impact

Several parts of Indonesia have experienced the impact of tropical cyclone Vince, although it is predicted to last ...

Ambon designated as one of nine minapolitan areas

The eastern Indonesian city of Ambon in Maluku Province has been designated as one of nine fishing sites in the ...

2011 - Indonesia`s year of ASEAN

No, the Indonesian government has never declared 2011 the Year of ASEAN, but as this year`s chairman of ASEAN, ...

Govt mulling evaluating team for Garuda IPO

The government is mulling setting up an independent team to monitor and evaluate the realization of Garuda Indonesia`s ...

Indonesia to make sure ASEAN progressing

Indonesia is to make sure that ASEAN achieves significant and concrete progress during 2011, a minister said.ASEAN`s ...

Ministry to focus on minapolitan project

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry is to focus on development of Minapolitan areas (fisheries cities) in 41 ...