#fossil fuel

Collection of fossil fuel news, found 231 news.

Mozambique to invest in clean energy

Experts from Mozambique and abroad are gathering in the Mozambican capital of Maputo starting from Monday, to discuss ...

Landmark Report Calculates Societal Benefits of Fossil Energy to be at Least 50 Times Greater than Perceived Costs of Ca

- The benefits to society of fossil fuel energy far outweigh the social costs of carbon (SCC) by a magnitude of 50 to ...

American Capital Energy & Infrastructure Partners with Veteran Management Team to Establish BMR Energy and Commits $25 M

- American Capital Energy & Infrastructure ("ACEI") announced today that it has partnered with a veteran management ...

Incentives called for development of downstream palm oil industry

Agriculture Minister Suswono said the finance ministry needs to consider incentive to develop downstream palm oil ...

Solar Energy Can Cut Down Electricity Costs

JAKARTA, 29 Agustus 2013 (ANTARA) – “Solar energy can cut down electricity costs in Indonesia’s ...

Number of Swedish companies in Indonesia up 50 pct

The number of Swedish companies in Indonesia has increased by 50 percent in the past two years, showing the Swedish ...

President invites Swedish businessmen to invest in Indonesia

Visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has invited Swedish businessmen to invest in Indonesia, saying ...

The Coral Triangle's Tourism Sector Earns US$ 12 Billion Each Year

The business activity in the Coral Triangle, spanning six countries, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, ...

Royal Dutch Shell plc: New Shell Scenarios Sharpen Focus on Future for Society, Energy

-     Shell today released new scenarios that explore two possible ways the 21st century could ...

Government to accelerate geothermal development

The government will speed up the development of geothermal energy to replace fossil fuel whose consumption continues ...

100 mln to die by 2030 if world fails to act on climate

More than 100 million people will die and global economic growth will be cut by 3.2 percent of gross domestic product ...

Indonesian govt to accelerate regulation for hybrid cars

The government will accelerate the regulation for hybrid and environment-friendly vehicles or low-cost and green cars ...

Govt gears up for domestic production of hybrid, electric cars

The government is preparing for the domestic production of hybrid and electric cars, as the nation is facing a fossil ...

Indonesia needs electric cars to help solve energy problem

Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta has said the country needs electric cars to help solve the ...

Clean power asia conference in nusa dua to focus on renewable energy

Clean Power Asia Conference (CPA), with an expected 600 professionals and experts in the field of renewable energy and ...