#freeport indonesia

Collection of freeport indonesia news, found 419 news.

Chappy Hakim`s resignation was a personal decision: Freeport

Richard C Adkerson, President and CEO of Freeport McMoRan Inc,. stated that Chappy Hakims resignation as the President ...

Chappy Hakim resigns as president director of Freeport Indonesia

PT Freeport Indonesia announced the resignation of Chappy Hakim as the companys president director on Saturday. ...

Freeport`s status change must ensure better state revenues: Minister

A change in the gold and copper mining company PT Freeport Indonesias status from a contract of work into a special ...

When will mineral ore exports be totally banned?

Indonesia has, for years, borne witness to the disadvantageous exploitation of its rich mineral resources, losing ...

Indonesian govt to buy Freeport shares immediately

The Indonesian government wishes to buy shares of PT Freeport Indonesia immediately up to 51 percent to meet ...

Freeport, Amman hope status change would not disturb firm operation

PT Freeport Indonesia and PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara hope that the change in the companies status from contract of ...

Indonesian govt threatens to revoke permits of mining companies

Mining companies have, so far, benefited from exploiting and exporting Indonesias mineral ores without processing it ...

Setya Novanto reinstated as house speaker

Setya Novanto was reinstated as speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday after DPRs Ethics Council ...

Plan to reinstate Novanto as House Speaker triggers controversy

Indonesias political situation has been very dynamic and interesting following a plan to reinstate Setya Novanto as ...

Indonesian politician questions planned replacement of house speaker Komaruddin

Ahmad Doli Kurnia, a young politician of Golkar Party, questioned the decision of the Golkar Executive Board to ...

Golkar faction to send letter on reinstating Novanto as speaker

The Golkar Faction in the House of Representatives (DPR) will soon send a letter to the DPR leadership about ...

Parliament ready to process reinstatement of Novanto as house speaker

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Fadli Zon said the DPR leaders are ready to process ...

Freeport Indonesia to name retired marshal as new president director

PT Freeport Indonesia plans to appoint a retired air marshal to lead the mining company in the countrys easternmost ...

Freeport workers return to work

Thousands of mine workers of the Grasberg mine of PT Freeport Indonesia Tembagapura, Mimika District, Papua, began to ...

Death row prisoner Merry Utami moved to Nusakambangan

Death row prisoner, Merry Utami, has been moved from the Tangerang prison in Banten, to the Nusakambangan island off ...