
Collection of fuels news, found 971 news.

RI to cut oil import, promote use of biofuels

Indonesia is taking steps to reduce its fuels imports and promote the use of biofuels at home in response to its ...

Government keen to empower the poor

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the government has allocated sizable funds for programs aimed at helping ...

Obscure fuel subsidy policy responsible for rupiah`s weaking

The obscure policy on fuel subsidy was responsible for the rupiah`s weakening against the dollar, an Indonesian ...

BI and government set to keep inflation within target

Indonesia is set to keep its inflation from exceeding the target of 7.2-7.8 percent this year as set in the revised ...

BI and government set to keep inflation within target

Indonesia is set to keep its inflation from exceeding the target of 7.2-7.8 percent this year as set in the revised ...

ri encourages inclusion of renewable products in eg list - (d)

Indonesia is encouraging the inclusion of environmentally friendly and renewable products in the Asia-Pacific Economic ...

Indonesia importing 3,000 tons of beef

Agriculture Minister Suswono said the country is importing 3,000 tons of beef expected to arrive here on Wednesday. ...

Increase in bi rate helps stabilize banking industry

Fitch Ratings Indonesia hailed the decision of Bank Indonesia to raise its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) saying ...

indonesian inflation predicted to be higher than target - (d)

An economist from the state-run Brawijaya University of Malang Prof Ahmad Yustika predicted that the country's ...

Govt mulling fixed fuel subsidy

The government is considering providing fixed fuel subsidy as part of solution to a fluctuation in global oil prices, ...

POWER-GEN Asia Launches Preliminary Conference Programme for Annual Gathering of Power Industry Professionals

POWER-GEN Asia and the co-located Renewable Energy World Asia, the region's premier conference and exhibition for all ...

Indoensia's inflation may reach 9 percent

Indonesia's inflation may jump to 9 percent this year under the impact of the recent rise in the prices of subsidized ...

Indonesian inflation could rise to 7.9 percent

Indonesian Central Bank (Bank Indonesia/BI) said Indonesian inflation could surge to as high as 7.9 percent as a ...

Public transportation fares up by 15 percent

Public transportation fares to increase by 15 percent following the fuel price hike announced by the government last ...

Rupiah gains against US dollar

The Indonesian currency rupiah gained against the US dollar on Monday thanks to protection by Bank Indonesia. ...