#gas supply

Collection of gas supply news, found 119 news.

Govt seeking to renegotiate gas export contracts

The Indonesian government is seeking to renegotiate its gas export contracts to increase domestic supply. ...

RI likely to cut gas exports to Singapore

Indonesia is likely to cut its gas exports to Singapore due to increasing demand for the commodity at home, but a ...

RI considering cut in gas exports to Singapore

Indonesia is considering reducing gas exports to Singapore amid difficulties to meet its own domestic need for the ...

PLN exploring gas supplies from Australia, PNG

State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is looking into the possibility of gas supplies from ...

Pertamina optimistic East Natuna contract finalized in October

State-owned oil/gas company Pertamina is optimistic a production sharing contract on the East Natuna Gas Block can be ...

RI to import gas from Middle East : Industry minister

Indonesia will import gas from the Middle East to meet increasing demand following strong growth of national ...

PLN cancels plan to switch off Indonesia Power

President Director of state power company PT PLN Dahlan Iskan eventually decided to cancel its plan to switch off PT ...

PLN to receive gas supply of 20 bbtud

State power utility PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) will receive a gas supply of 20 billion British thermal unit ...

Govt asked to divert Chevron gas to PLN

A legislator has called on the government to divert gas supply from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to state-owned power ...

Govt to build three LNG receiving terminals

The government plans to build three LNG (liquefied natural gas) storage terminals which are expected to start ...

Indonesia not to add gas exports to Japan

Indonesia has decided not to add gas exports to Japan to meet that country`s request following a drop in electricity ...

House calls for thorough investigation into refinery fire

The Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) has asked for a thorough investigation into the fire at an ...

RI govt yet to decide on Japan`s extra gas supplies request

The government has not yet made a decision with regard to Japan`s request for additional natural gas supplies, chief ...

Oil and gas production declines by 24,000 barrels a day

Indonesia`s national oil and gas production declined by 24,000 barrels a day at the beginning of February, BP Migas` ...