
Collection of giant news, found 860 news.

North Sulawesi to build a giant dam

Expected to be completed in 2019, the Kuwil dam in Kawangkoan, North Minahasa District, will be a giant reservoir in ...

Lahendong, Ulubelu geothermal power plant absorb thousands of workers: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said the geothermal power plants of Lahendong (Units 5 and 6) and Ulubelu (Unit 3) ...

President Jokowi wants Kuwil dam completed by 2019

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has set a target to have the giant Kuwil dam here completed by 2019. During his ...

Indonesia needs to balance its relations with China, US: Observer

The Indonesian government needs to balance its close relationship with China and the United States to safeguard its ...

Yangtze's megacities seek closer ties with ASEAN

Notwithstanding incessant rains lashing the Jiangsu Province of China for days after Typhoon Haima made a landing in ...

EARTH WIRE -- Wildlife populations plunge almost 60% since 1970

Worldwide populations of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have plunged by almost 60 percent since 1970 as ...

Jakarta Giant Sea Wall to prevent sea water intrusion

An ambitious plan to build a 24-kilometer long Giant Sea Wall will help prevent Jakarta from sinking below sea level, ...

Jakarta bay reclamation to be hot topic in election campaign

Indonesias electorate is looking forward to a very exciting and fierce gubernatorial election campaign in Jakarta as ...

Female giant panda born at Japan's Adventure World on Sept. 18, 2016, after interval of 2 years; 8th child for mother, 14th for father

-After having shown signs of pregnancy for some time, Rauhin, a 16-year-old female giant panda at Adventure World in ...

Google should pay tax in Indonesia

Google has become part of the daily routine for most people. The giant Internet-based search engine company ...

Study on Jakarta`s giant sea wall to be wrapped up in October

Study on Jakartas giant sea wall project called National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) will be ...

Crocodiles roam about at beaches, disrupt Kupang`s tourism

Weather phenomenon El Nino is believed to have driven some crocodiles to leave the drying estuaries and lurching to ...

State enterprises entering golden era

Rini Mariani Soemarno, a professional woman figure in President Joko Wdodo's cabinet, has heavy tasks as she manages ...

More than 50,000 visits Borobudur

A total of 53,792 people have visited Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, until Saturday during the Eid ...

NASA`s Juno spacecraft loops into orbit around Jupiter

NASAS Juno spacecraft capped a five-year journey to Jupiter late Monday with a do-or-die engine burn to sling itself ...