#global economic

Collection of global economic news, found 2.083 news.

Bappenas forecasts Indonesia's 2017 economic growth at 5.3 percent

The National Development Planning Agency or the Bappenas has predicted that Indonesia's economy will grow at 5.1-5.3 ...

Economic growth could be higher than expected: Darmin

Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution said the countrys economic growth could be higher than the target of ...

Yearender - Indonesia`s agriculture has better prospects in 2017

The El Nino weather phenomenon that struck Indonesia in 2015, bringing droughts and wide-spread forest and land fires, ...

Economic growth must reduce inequality: Finance minister

Economic growth should help in reducing inequality and poverty, and creating a wider middle-class, Finance Minister ...

Yearender - Indonesia needs to brace for global challenges

Indonesia is expected to have a relatively improved economic performance in 2017, while still needing to prepare ...

President Jokowi meets Indonesian community in Iran

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Jokowi held a gathering with the Indonesian community in Tehran, ...

Indonesia strong in face of Trump effect: Analyst

Indonesias economy is strong enough to face the challenges to the global economy likely to emanate from Donald Trumps ...

Foreign investors observe Indonesia`s economic growth positively: President

Foreign investors have seen Indonesias economic growth positively, President Joko Widodo has stated. "Even ...

OJK chairman optimistic bank NPL to continue to improve

Chief Commissioner of the Financial Service Authority (OJK) Muliaman D Hadad said he was optimistic bank non ...

Indonesia to enhance economic partnership with Iran

Indonesia will enhance its trade and investment in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Currently, both trade and investment ...

2017 state budget drafted after considering risks: Minister Sri Mulyani

The Indonesian government has drafted the 2017 state budget after taking into account various risks and emphasizing ...

Indonsian govt mixes optimism with prudence on issue of growth

The government is mixing optimism with prudence in forecasting and assuming the rate of economic growth in the state ...

APEC leaders agree on indonesia`s proposal

The leaders of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) have agreed to Indonesias proposal on the development of rural ...

Indonesia cites principles needed for Asia Pacific free trade

Indonesia said implementation of free trade in the Asia Pacific region should be based on the principles of ...

Acceleration of infrastructure development is today`s catchword

The key to success in transforming backwardness into modernity is infrastructure. Indeed civilization is often gauged ...